Friday, May 16, 2008

Of Two Minds and Fish Eggs

I had this whole post in my head about always being of two minds and my first thing was about a thought I had the other night. I had used the hot glue gun that day and I don't use it very often, and I suddenly thought, "They should make colored glue sticks. Wow! I'm a genius!" Then about 17 seconds later my other brain part that always argues with the first one said, "No. That would be stupid." Usually Brain 2 is the logical part, but in this case Brain 2 was wrong. When I googled "glue gun" to get a picture (and I was going to colorize some of the sticks!) I found this picture. If you think the colors are a little odd, the reason for their colors is odder. These are for fisherman to make fake fish egg beads for their hooks. I kid you not. Who knew? So, in this instance Brain 2 was wrong, and Brain 1, of the crazy ideas, was actually onto something, although a bit late.
There's a local commercial for ABC Pest Control that shows the owner of the company standing in his driveway with a few little kids. He's waving over at his house yakking about, I don't know, that it's pest-free or something. The commercial ends with him gesturing toward his kids and saying, "These are the only pests we allow in our house!" Well Brain 1 said, "That's Appalling!" whereas Brain 2 said, "No, that's wickedly funny!" I guess that's really an opinion for both brains, so there is no winner on that one.
Sometimes Brain 1 and Brain 2 just can't reach an agreement. This is bad when it comes to any matter of public discussion, because if someone asks my opinion on it, I can't say, "We haven't decided yet." That would be creepy. And yet, I have a disdain for people with NO opinions, so it's a Catch 22. I think. I should look that up. I think what happens is, I think with both my left and right brain and they are not always on the same page. This would explain a lot, like that time last month when my left foot gouged my right foot. And I used to trip on my own feet a lot as a child. I am able to clap my hands at least, but juggling is as foreign to my brain (brains?) as being able to walk through walls.
Tonight My Sweetie brought home one of those little roasted chickens that you find in the grocery deli section. It was steaming in it's little chicken shaped container but I like crispy skin. I decided to brush some olive oil on it and put it in the oven on 400 for about 12 minutes. I usually pour olive oil in a little dish and then brush it onto things, but I decided to drizzle the oil with my left hand and brush with my right. It was really funny. The drizzling and brushing were not coordinated at all. I think two different people (one drizzling, one brushing) would have done a better job. I was laughing to myself thinking, "What's going on here? This is all being done by the same brain!" But now I'm starting to wonder. I think we both agree on that.


Jazz said...

I think you SHOULD say "we haven't decided yet" - if only for the look on people's faces... ;-)

XUP said...

Or, "we shall confer and get back to you anon". That would be even more amusing

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Interesting post. No sure which of my brains decided on that.

Carole said...

When I read your post today, the first thing that came to mind is "Necessity is the mother of invention".
But then my other brain kicked in and asked "Do fish even see in colour?".

I also know exactly what you mean about feeling that "we haven't decided yet" when people ask your opinion. I often think I sound like Topol on "Fiddler on the Roof" because I'm always saying..."On the other hand".

You know they are now calling the stomach our 2nd brain, with our vagus nerve being the spinal cord of sorts. And I'm sure that sometimes that brain is in control of my other 2! haha

I was too late in responding to your last post, but I loved that beautiful picture of your mother. You'll have to show me next time I'm over.

geewits said...

~~Yeah, or even, "We're still discussing it."

~~I don't think many Texans would get that one. (Except Carole, of course!)

~~Maybe the squirrel brain?

~~So it's my stomach that wants all that beer?

I also redid that shelf over my stove. I got rid of those dorky baskets. I put the etagere where the cat castle was (back window of living room).

Scarlet said...

I agree with you. No, I don't. :)

I like the pest control commercial. Very funny; a little rude, but not really; more funny than rude.

Big Brother said...

It's ok just as long as you don't have your dialogues out load. If you want to do that, remember to stick a doogle in your ear and people will think your on a cell phone.

Big Brother said...

Should be *you're on a cell phone". It's Friday and my brain is deaddd. Is it June yet?...

Jo said...

I once invented a toothbrush that had a little tube of toothpaste for the handle. I thought it would be so convenient for travel. I thought I was pretty smart, until I found out that someone else had invented it first.

I have two brains too. One brain makes me giggle in church, and the other brain keeps telling me to shut up. It happens during really boring meetings, too. Our four brains are going to have fun when you come to visit. :-)

geewits said...

~~Yes, but I guess children maybe should just be called pests behind their backs.

~~I sometimes talk out loud, but worse than that I sing along with the music in the grocery store!

~~Here's to our four brains having a blast!!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Those guns are amazing! I never heard of making fish bait this way...My My My...! What will they think of next! lol!

BTW: The "Answer" is up now, so if you get a chance, pop on by..!

Russell said...

Geewits, your posts always make me laugh! If you ever decide to write a book, I will be the first in line to buy it!! I enjoy your posts much more than anything I read in the newspapers and I read quite a bit! Well, not as much as some but - hey, which brain is talking here??!!? Never mind, I am just arguing with myself...!

Abraham Lincoln said once in a speech that "God saves the hottest place in hell for people with no opinion." I thought of that when I read about your disdain for people with no opinion. I agree with you on that topic.

I am looking forward to hearing you report about your adventures in Vancouver! You and Josie will have quite a time!!

Leslie: said...

Six! See you both real soon! :D

geewits said...

~~I ran that picture through all sorts of filters in Photoshop and I would never have guessed what it was!

~~Thank you so much! I like to know someone is entertained by my goofy life. Yes, I think the Vancouver trip will be awesome and I think we will do a "duet" post from there where we are both talking.

~~Yes! I will be in Vancouver in two weeks and 20 hours from this very minute.

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Great post. I was also going to ask if your brains argue outloud, as mine do, but bigbrother beat me to it.

geewits said...

~~I guess the most common thing I say out loud to myself is either, "What was I doing?" or "What did I come in here for?"