Friday, May 30, 2008

Back to Lighter Subjects

~~~Last Wednesday I ordered some Canadian money so I would have some in my pocket when I got there. I paid $109 to get $95. Where did that $14 go?

~~~My Sweetie took today off to spend extra time with me since I am going to Vancouver. Awwwww. Our plans for today are to mail THE BOX, see my daughter's new apartment, and catch the new Indiana Jones movie. After that, who knows? But we will have fun.

~~~My Sweetie has special advanced screening tickets for Kung Fu Panda for Saturday morning (it opens on the 6th) and is taking his niece (the one that spent the night with me) and his older nephew and I think that is very sweet.

~~~In my money planning for my Vancouver trip, I got the $95 I mentioned above and the rest in American Express Travelers checks and then for some reason (yesterday, Thursday) I freaked out and thought "OH NO! I didn't remember money for the airport here (beers and drinks) and on the plane (beers and drinks)! After thinkiing for almost 10 whole minutes, I realized, HEY! DUMMY! You can use a travelers check! Sometimes I amaze myself with my slowness. I mean I'll have some pocket money, but airport drinks and airplane drinks cost about $42 each, right?

~~~The weather here has been horrible! We have broken records for high lows all week and it's unbearably hot and muggy. "Heat Index" has become a common phrase. The temps are in the 90's and the heat index around 100. And did I mention muggy? Although the extended forecast for Vancouver is in the low 60's and upper 50's and lots of rain, I will LOVE it because I am BURNING UP!

~~~I am SO looking forward to my trip and making my first post here from Vancouver! I am thinking about doing a duet post with Josie in a chat style. I think that will be fun.

~~~TGIF everybody!

(~~~I forgot to mention the new picture. I took that Wednesday at the salon. The "grey collar" is a towel and the "black shirt" is that cape you put on to get your hair done. I was bored while Tyler was mixing my color and just held the camera up and took some pics.)


Jazz said...

Welcome to Canada, eh? Damn, I wish I lived out in Vancover.

ticknart said...

I knew the dollar was getting weak, but wow.

How much longer until the fun starts? Soon?

Jo said...

I told Freddie what you said about Wayne Gretzky being on the Canadian $5.00 bill, so he laughed and ran and got a $5.00 bill to look at it. He looked at it for a few minutes, and then said, "Hey that kid playing hockey is my friend Grady!!!" *heh*

Leslie: said...

Now you know how we Canajuns used to feel when we'd have to buy American money. Hah!

I forgot to mention that I like your new picture!

If we're lucky, you'll have good weather while here. It's been sort of greyish in the mornings lately but then sunnys up by afternoon. And temperature is just right.

You're going to have such a blast with Josie...and me on Wednesday! :D

Cycling Goddess said...

Gorgeous here, you should head east instead lol

Bon voyage! I look forward to reading your posts while you're in Canada. And yes, this is how we used to feel when our loonie was weak... around 70 odd cents or so...

XUP said...

Don't forget to put aside some of that expensive Canadian money for lots and lots of sushi!!

Jocelyn said...

I LOVE the new picture--so cute.

How clever of you to fret ahead of time about being caught without enough $$ for drinks. You and I are cut from the same bottle of vodka.

geewits said...

~~I have a feeling we will meet again with an ocean nearby. Seriously, if this beach cottage thing becomes annual, I know you and Mr. Jazz will join us one year.

~~The fun is all the time, but Sunday is the day of my flight to Vancouver!

~~I think I'll call the fives "Grady's" from now on.

~~The weather sounds fine with me. See you in a few days!

~~Yes, the money exchange is nothing like going to Mexico!

~~Give it up. I am NOT going to try sushi.

~~And I think it's good cut!

Russell said...

Vancouver had better watch out!! I think a STORM is coming!! But it will be a good storm!

You mention beer once in a while (!!) and I was thinking (something I don't always do...!) isn't Canadian beer stronger than American beer??? Or is that just an Iowa thing??

I think Iowa beer is 3.2 beer (isn't that what it's called??). Minnesota used to have strong beer and when I was a kid we used to think it was great getting Minnesota beer! Maybe it is a state thing, I don't know...

But be careful when you drink that Canadian beer!! I guess a nice thing about a big city is they have taxi cabs!!

I am sure you will have a wonderful time in Vancouver!!

geewits said...

~~I know about 3.2 beer. I hate it. Whenever we would go to Oklahoma, we always carried as much beer as we could because they have that there. too. I think N.C. has the 3.2 also, but I'm not positive. And don't worry, neither of us will be driving. I'm looking forward to seeing Josie's comfy treehouse and the pretty fresh flowers she just recieved.

Scarlet said...

I hope everything you need is in THE BOX and that you can relax and enjoy your in and out the air drinks!

I really like the new pic! Fun and kind of mysterious at the same time.

JR's Thumbprints said...

Enjoy Vancouver! I'm sure Josie's a wonderful hostess.

geewits said...

~~The box is gone and I forgot to pack the twin sheets for my daughter's bed! She said she would take them, so I don't have to try to stuff them in my suitcase.

~~Hi stranger. I think everything will be great. I will be at the airport in 12 hours!