Jazz did this today and I really liked it so I thought I would give it a shot:
Five smells I love -
1) That little spot on a baby's head. Okay, I believe that's called the temple. Babies smell so good there. It's better than fresh baking even.
2) The Ocean. I don't think I need to elaborate as I've gone on and on about my love for the ocean.
3) Fresh-cut lemon slices. Mmmmmm. When I was in Junior High I wore a cologne called Love's Fresh Lemon all the time. I was CRAZY about it. I was going to say they stopped making it and then I just googled it and it seems to exist and I got all excited, but the sites I found all said "Currently out of stock." I hate that when you get all excited about something just to have your hopes dashed in just a matter of minutes. Damn! Ooh, I just found some. Sorry. I'm easily distracted.
4) This one is really odd, but I can explain: Diesel engines. The smell of a large diesel engine reminds me of the Wayne County fair. I really loved going to the fair as a kid. And this was an old school fair with freaks and hoochie coochie dancers. All of the rides were powered by large diesel engines. There was also fresh straw all over the ground and popcorn machines and cotton candy. I just loved the smells of the county fair, but the diesel engine smell really brings it back.
5) Cinnabon's. I rarely go the mall and I hardly ever eat sweets, but I really love the smell of this store. Sometimes I'll just stand near the store and inhale for 5 to 10 minutes at a time. I've only actually bought one maybe three times. I prefer the aroma to the taste.
Five sights I love -
1) Marinas. I love being at the water and seeing all the boats. I always make up a story in my head for each boat. I love reading the fun, imaginative and sometimes weird names of the boats. I think one of the prettiest marinas, well that I've seen, was the one on Coronado Island. I'm looking forward to seeing a marina in Vancouver!
2) The ocean. I love when you get lucky and the clouds are pink, maybe a moon is rising and a boat is going by. I can pretty much stare out at the ocean all day. And I have.
3) Kittens playing. That's just cute as hell.
4) A professional Ballet performance. I've seen several but I think my favorite was "Peer Gynt." I am absolutely mesmerized when I watch ballet.
5) 17th to 19th century portraiture. I love staring into these paintings and thinking about the person in the painting and the artist.
Five tastes that I love -
1) A really good soup. It doesn't matter if it is creamy or brothy. I just love a really good soup. I particulary love the she crab soup at George on the Riverwalk in Wilminton, N.C. That's some VERY good soup. The thing is, you don't want to be with me when I am experiencing the really good soup because I will go on and on about it and make all sorts of ecstatic sounds like "Mmmmmmmm" and "Oh, yeah."
2) My cabbage. I love my cabbage, but My Sweetie? He does not care for the cabbage, so I hardly ever have it. I cook it the way my Granny and my Mom cooked it (except for the Cavender's). We cook a couple of slices of chopped bacon then add the chunks (2 inch chunks) of cabbage. I sprinkle in some Cavender's and let it steam itself on low heat, stirring occasionally. I really love my cabbage. I should buy a head and just make it for lunch.
3) The house dressing at Italiani's. I think about it a lot. I brought some home a few months ago and marinated some canned artichoke hearts in it and they were excellent.
4) The warm salsa at Mercado Juarez. Another food item I think about a lot.
5) The salty way my lips taste when I've been at the ocean all day.
Five sounds I love -
1) The ocean. And it's not just the crashing of the waves. I also love the accompaniment of the seagulls.
2) The perfect song at just the right time.
3) A lone horn playing a jazz riff, coming from somewhere just around the corner and lightly echoing through the streets, as you walk through the French Quarter in New Orleans.
4) All the crazy jingle jangle dings clicks and bells and whistles of a casino.
5) That loud boat horn that you hear coming from the Mississippi river in New Orleans.
Five things I love to touch -
1) Fur. Well most fur. Some dogs are kinda wiry. But cat fur and bunny fur always feel very nice.
2) Very old wood. When I am in an old building, I always want to run my hands over the wood. I don't know why. Maybe trying to pick up the history of the place.
3) My husband's skin. He has very silky skin.
4) My own hair. Sometimes I just love playing with my curls.
5) Frosted glass. If there is frosted glass, I will have to stroke it.
and since Jazz cheated a little I will add
6) The fuzzy felt of some poker tables. I sometimes get distracted from the game by the fuzzy felt. (But my petting and rubbing it also distracts the male players, hee hee. My bad.)
Well that was fun. Thanks, Jazz.
Ohhh, this was a nice distraction from my life, thank you for this. :)
I just called the fire hotline, thought it'd be a recording and *gasp* it was a live person... oh dear. But she told me that my specific area, even though it looks scary, is okay right now. So I think I'm gonna go to bed...
~~I guess if you can go to sleep then I can too. Thanks for letting me know. As soon as I wake up tomorrow, I'll check your blog to see what's what.
Artichoke hearts marinated in Italian dressing? Yum. I'll have to try that. Would Ken's work? (the dressing)
I love the smell of babies, too, especially w/ Violets cologne on their fuzzy coconut heads. :) It makes you want to kiss them until they cry. :)
Oh! I like these. Some of yours are favourites of mine too that didn't make it onto the list. We share an ocean fetish though, that's for sure.
~~It will be as good as the dressing. "Fuzzy coconut heads?" That's cute.
~~Except for tastes, I have many the same as you. I love the smell of fresh-cut grass, but you couldn't pay me enough money to try sushi.
"A lone horn playing a jazz riff, coming from somewhere just around the corner and lightly echoing through the streets, as you walk through the French Quarter in New Orleans." That would definitely be one of mine.
Can I borrow this? It's great!
~~All memes are free to all. I don't consider it stealing to see a cool meme somewhere and just do it. And you're right. It is a most excellent sound. Maybe we will hear it together some day?
Geewits, I forgot to tell you, there are some beautiful marinas around Vancouver, and the most beautiful marina in the world is on the way to Horseshoe Bay, along the "lower road", which is almost identical to the road in Monte Carlo where "To Catch A Thief" was filmed. We'll go there!
Geewits - me again. Here are some Aerial views of the drive along the "Lower Road" and pictures 12, 13 and 14 are the Thunderbird Marine, which is tucked into Fisherman's Cove. It's so beautiful there.
~~That looks really nice but it seems like it's quite a ways from you tree house.
Geewits, no, it's not actually that far at all. I go there all the time. We couldn't walk there, of course, but it's actually just across the bay from where I live.
So we have to swim?
Oh, I like yours. About the smell of diesel. I don't mind it because it reminds me of London buses. What I really like is the throat sound of a marine diesel engine. And, I would love to hear the sound of the horn of a Mississippi River boat.
Ha...! no, we go over a very nice bridge. :-)
~~Wow! I had forgotten how much I loved the sound of a boat motor. I'm more familiar with the little regular gas motorboats,though.
~~That's good, because my arms would probably get tired.
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