I stopped at the grocery store this afternoon and pulled in next to a car that had some big high school thing in the backseat showing the name of the school and a girl's full name. On the front passenger seat was a bookbag and a purse. I waited for a little bit because I wanted to warn the people that this was not a good idea, but no one ever came. I figured maybe it was an employee and went in to look for her. I found her rather quickly because she had an unusual name. I'll call her "September Fallacci." So I walked in and scanned the tags and there was September. I walked up and said, "I don't want to freak you out but I parked next to your car and saw way too much information about you: your name, your school, and even your purse is in the front seat. I'm a mom with a daughter and you need to go out and put all of that stuff in the trunk." She seemed sort of naive and said, "It's just a book bag." I explained to her again and then went about my shopping. When I finished and went back to my truck, all her stuff was still there in full view. I called my mom for a quick food question and told her about the girl and Mom said, "Geewits, you can't save the world." I said, "Yeah, but maybe I can help people one at a time." When I got home I called the store manager and told him my concern and he said he would send her out to her car to move her things. Maybe all I did was make a lot of people roll their eyes, but I wouldn't want my daughter to be parked somewhere with so much information in full view.
I feed Barney a can of this every day. Today I was really looking at it and thought: This looks more like real food than several things I actually eat! Those things are Vienna Sausages, Slim Jims, bologna, and hot dogs.
This morning I was wishing I wouldn't have the one lady today that's so out of the way. When I got to the church there was a cancellation note for her. There was also new person on my route that was very close to that lady. I thought that was weird.
I realized when I was halfway to the church that I had forgotten my camera. I felt odd and uncomfortable for a while as if I left the house without my wedding rings or something. I bet I don't forget my camera again for a while.
I was supposed to meet Amy the realtor at the house today but it was raining and she wanted to take pictures of the house. I'm also waiting for the sun to come back out to get pictures of my new coffee table. That thing was three days of work. For some reason it doesn't photograph well with the flash.
If you want to see something really funny, check out this page. You can move your mouse around and click to get different actions. I thought it was hilarious. Have a good time.