Sunday, October 26, 2008

One Sentence about the U.S. Elections

I've always admired John McCain as a person but his stunt casting of Sarah Palin as his V.P. running mate was ludicrous.


Scarlet said...

That's what makes voting in this election so difficult. When you look at the whole picture, nothing feels right about both candidates.

Anonymous said...

It's going to an interesting 4 years either way.

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Sarah certainly has been a boon for Saturday Night Live. Why she even appears in the LGS blog!

Hi, there. I'm back. Thanks for checking in on me.

Ian Lidster said...

Pretty much sums it up, and my admiration for McCain plummeted when he made that cynical and calculated choice of running mate, hot or not.

geewits said...

~~Fortunately, I am fine with one candidate.


~~Welcome back Mr. Squirrel!

~~It was sad and weird at the same time.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I So Agree! It really says a lot aboutr his claim of "Country First". I don't think so, John.

Cycling Goddess said...

We had a similar situation here not too long ago, no matter how you looked at it, any candidate/party just didn't seem right...

Well, no matter what happen, I think you guys are in for a rough ride.