Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Political Funnies

Not since Dana Carvey did H. Ross Perot, has "Saturday Night Live" done a more hilarious take on a political candidate than Tina Fey's Sarah Palin. The Youtube link is here. I also have to give a big nod to Darrell Hammond's Bill Clinton. That's just good stuff. Thank you SNL!!!


Jazz said...

God I hate that woman I hate her hate her hate her... and I'm not even American.

Palin obviously, not Fey... But you knew that.

ticknart said...

Hammond's Clinton was funny, but, for me at least, it never came close to Phil Harman doing Clinton in a McDonald's explaining the Somalia problems and eating everyone's food.

Wish I could find that clip.

Oh, and Tina Fey is Thalia, the Muse of comedy, reborn.

Carole said...

Yep, hilarious! And I personally thought Queen Latifah did an excellent job as debate moderator too. Her expressions were priceless!

Anonymous said...

This would be even funnier, if it weren’t for the fact that McCain will probably win and he’s really old so might die in office, leaving the VP to take over…

Scarlet said...

Tina Fey is classic as Sarah Palin. lol

geewits said...

~~Golly, you betcha, I knew that.

~~Thanks, I had forgotten how funny that was. We try not to think of Phil Hartmann, because it always makes us sad. And what a wonderful compliment for Tina Fey!

~~Oh yes! Lorne Michaels could not have made a wiser choice.

~~We don't think he will win now because of her.

~~No kidding, she really has it down.

Ian Lidster said...

So funny it almost made me pee my pants.

geewits said...

~~Yeah, they're on a roll this year.