Monday, November 26, 2007

Ratings are Weird!

I was talking to my Mom on Friday, and we were talking about various writerly things and computer programs and she told me something very odd. She said information for the general public should be written on an eighth grade level. I had never heard that and although it jarred me a bit, it slowly began to make sense. So I felt bad when I got this:

cash advance

I figured I must not be writing in a general public way, but I found that hard to believe. In general, though, I was happy with my High School rating and decided to try it out on every blog I read and man was I surprised! The only one that didn't shock me was Josie's. One was so shocking I involuntarily laughed out loud. I did not test Jeanette's because her blog is private. Don't shoot the messenger here if you do not like this rating thing. I found it on someone's blog and thought it would be funny. What's your opinion of how it rated your blog?


Scarlet said...

Okay, I tested it out and at first I was Junior High level, then High School. I checked out some other blogging buddies ratings and most of them are college level. What's up with that?? When do we graduate from high school to college level?? ;)

Jazz said...

Oy. High school here too...

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

I am also retained in High School until I pass cheerleading.

ticknart said...

Seems about right for mine.

Tai said...

Hmmm, I received an elementary school rating.
I feel rather miffed about that.
On what basis do they rate these things, anyway?

Jo said...

Geewits, it didn't shock you that mine was College Level, Post Graduate?

It is to laugh....! :-)

My boring little blog?

Some of the others did shock me, however. Heh

geewits said...

~~It gave different responses? I only tried mine once. I doubt I'll ever get to the college level.

But, Jazz!
~~English is your second language!

~~That was funny!

~~I'm not so sure about yours.

~~I have no idea what the computer code is looking for, but I was surprised at that.

~~I figured it was all the mentions of famous artworks and museums, but maybe it's just your clever turn of phrase?

Big Brother said...

Also got High School, but if you use individual blog addresses instead of the home address it usually comes out as Genius... go figure.

Ian Lidster said...

I am so mortified. Mine comes in at jr high level. On the other hand, I think it goes back to what I learned in the newspaper business. My old editor was of your Mom's school of thought and told me that I wrote at too erudite a level; "The average reader reads at an 8th grade level," he said. So, kudos to your Mom.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I checked mine two different times about two or more weeks ag, and my writing is for The Elementary School level! LOL! I figure that is a GOOD thing...Like, it's not above anyone's head except maybe Kindergarden Level....Amd maybe they will understand it, too! Remember, ONE PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS! LOL!

geewits said...

Big Brother,
~~You ARE a genius! I have no idea what you are talking about.

~~It's probably all the bathroom and sex talk.

~~That's true about the pictures and they are so lovely.

GW said...

Geewits, you're at college level now, undergrad! It must be biased toward Christmas remembrances. LOL Mine is stuck at elementary school, as is my husband's blog,

Harrumph! I'll have to try individual entries, as big brother suggested.