Sunday, August 05, 2007

Things I don't get #236

I watch a lot of HGTV , which is the Home and Garden Television channel in case you live in a cave. If my TV is on during the day, that's what is on it. My husband? He's not a big fan. However, he will watch "House Hunters" and "House Hunters International" with me, because he has an interest in the housing market. No, not a financial interest, more like a strange hobby type interest. Well here's the thing I don't get: People complain when the master bathroom does not have double sinks! What the hell is that all about? Do couples actually share the bathroom? AT the same time!?! I haven't shared a bathroom with a husband since 1988 and that's the year we split up. Besides we had only the one bathroom. I've noticed that it's the people with the $400,000 to $1 million budgets that complain about this the most. And the houses they are viewing have 3 - 4 bathrooms. Do people actually have to brush their teeth at the same time in the same bathroom? If bathrooms were meant to be shared, I would think they would have two toilets in them. Is it just me? Do people really do their bathroom stuff together? After ranting about this A LOT, tonight when we were watching "House Hunters International," and the wife said, "There's only one sink." I turned to my husband and he was giving me a funny side-eye look, so I didn't say a word. I guess at this point, I don't need to.


JR's Thumbprints said...

My wife watches HGTV obsessively. I'm willing to bet the double sink issue is more for "you clean up yours" and "I'll clean up mine," than sharing the bathroom.

Jammie J. said...

Tony and I have double sinks -- and yes, we brush our teeth at the same time. For me, it's more about not waiting when I want to do something. Plus, I have my own storage area under the sink for my acres of tampons and hair brushes!

geewits said...

What kind of person cleans a bathroom and leaves a sink for their spouse to clean? That sounds sort of creepy.

I know you guys have a lot of bathrooms. Is there some reason you didn't assign one of the other ones to Tony?

Jo said...

Geewits, I LOVE HGTV. And that's funny, because I have always wondered about the double-sink thing as well. I mean, wouldn't that take some of the mystery and romance out of a relationship if you were to stand beside your spouse while he or she is flossing? Or brushing and gargling? Yuck!


P.S. The Kipling poem cheered me up immensely!

Jammie J. said...

I would've but he kept horning in on mine. Pfft!

geewits said...

I know everyone is different but I think of that old saying "familiarity breeds contempt." We do not share a bathroom or even discuss bathroom related things except showers. He is even very polite when we vacation and have to share a bathroom in a hotel. He will get up while I am sleeping to perform his ablutions and then when I get up, he will "go for a walk to look for a newspaper." I'm glad that poem made you feel better. As Jazz WOULD NOT say, "It's awesome!"

And that's crazy. I could search your archives, but don't you have three or four bathrooms? We just have two so we've had our own since 2002. Before that I was a nomad and shared bathrooms with both my daughter and my husband depending on what I was using it for.

Jazz said...

A couple of years ago, someone was going to rent our cottage for a couple of weeks. It was all set to go, until the woman decided she couldn't do it because there was only one bathroom. There was her, her husband and 2 kids under 6. What do you need two bathrooms for? It's a cottage!!! You have acres of woods if you need them.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the double sink thing is weird. I love watching those Flip the House shows.

Ian Lidster said...

I once went to a house party where there was a toilet right inside the master bedroom. I really, really did not want to make any inquiries as to 'why'. I guess I really didn't want to find out.

geewits said...

Yeah a vacation cottage, I get that - that's like a hotel room. I guess she really had bathroom issues.

Flipping houses has been all the rage, but the market's drying up on that.

I don't even want to think about that!