Monday, August 20, 2007

Not all projects are fun

Last Monday, when I was putting on the clean sheets, I noticed A VERY IMPORTANT THREAD had unraveled on my box spring and was exposing the poor thing to the world. I figured it was a little project and I would take care of it on the weekend.

(My Sweetie was the hand and toes model)

I found out that it was not a LITTLE project. It took almost two hours to sew that thing up. It was very tedious and boring. Fortunately, I have a small TV in my bedroom and had it tuned to HGTV. Nothing will give you more determination to take care of your home than watching HGTV. I do not recommend trying this with a regular straight needle. Fortunately, I had a curved upholstery needle. And super strength thread. It came out okay. It's weird that I always have all the stuff I need for odd projects.

Today I will be packing for my trip to N.C. I leave in the morning. My Mom has a laptop (shudder) so I will try to keep up with my favorite bloggers. I can't wait to see the ocean, celebrate my daughter's birthday (Thursday) and see my very bestest friend on Saturday. Woo hoo! And you guys don't have to say "have fun!" because most of you already have. But you can say, "Nice sewing!" Ha ha ha. That's just rude of me. Well it did take almost two hours.


Lone Grey Squirrel said...

I don't know much about sewing. Okay, okay, actually I know "nuts" about sewing but it looks like a tough job well done. I actually have tried using a curved needle before. It was a disaster. I shall try mastering the straight needle first!

Have a great holiday.

Jazz said...

Nice sewing! :-p

Ian Lidster said...

Absolutely wonderful sewing! Have a nice vacation.

Scarlet said...

That is the best sewing I have ever seen! Have fun on your trip and try not to sew sew much on vacation!

JR's Thumbprints said...

If you were to ask me, I'd say it's those damn cats tearing up the house--that's is, if they're not declawed. Lots of smiles :)

geewits said...

I come from a dwindling watered down line of seamstresses. My Mom's mom was a master seamstress. She could make wedding dresses and tuxedos. My mom made a lot of my clothes in the 60's and 70's and was pretty good at it. I'm more of a repair/hem type seamstress, although I did make a denim dress in home ec in 8th grade.

Thanks! :b

Thanks. I will try.

There will be no sewing on vacation!

My first thought was that a cat was somehow involved.

Jammie J. said...

I didn't even know there was such a thing as curved needles. Frickin' genius!

Have a wonderful vacation... :)

geewits said...

That's what blogging is all about. Learning about curved needles. Actually, my best friend, who is in the animal necropsy business, thought curved needles were only used for sewing flesh. (Bleh!)