Friday, February 13, 2009

Hearts and Stuff

Valentine's Day sort of snuck up on me this year. My favorite MOW lady wished me a "Happy Valentine's Day!" on Wednesday and I felt terrible that I had overlooked it. I would have gotten her a card. Today I was thinking about the date a lot and I was thinking about my favorite memories and I thought I would share two of them:
When I was in third grade I picked this boy named David to be my boyfriend. My girlfriends teased me because he wore black horn-rimmed glasses and had crazy unkempt hair and big freckles, but there was just something about him I liked. And he made me laugh. Well, that was probably the thing about him I liked. We would talk on the phone every night for an hour and it was really annoying to my parents but I guess some part of them found it amusing because they didn't put a stop to it. Once I even arranged for my Mom to drive me over there for a visit (they did not live close) and we sat on the couch in the "front room" which is a southern traditional room from back in the day that was like a fancy living room that was never used. (I'm pretty sure I should have used a few commas back there but I read somewhere that people use too many commas so I'm trying to restrain myself.)
Our relationship was very long term for third graders and we even had big fights and make-ups. I still own the piece of paper that got me sent to the office and caused my parents to be called to the school. I had written "David is a sun of a bich" and tossed it in the trash just as the teacher walked in. By the time my parents came to the school, David and I had already made up. I'll always remember the principal asking, "Is this the language she is learning at home?" and my Mom cooly responding, "Is this how she is learning to spell here?"
As I mentioned before, our whole relationship was a big shocker to my schoolmates. I was the most popular girl in third grade and I can brag about that now because that was it for me. Who peaks in third grade? Oh yeah, me. So anyway, Valentine's Day rolled around and all my friends got the regular valentine card (from the box set) from their cute boyfriends and what did I get? I got a HUGE and I'm guessing it was maybe a 18" x 10" valentine card from David and the big pink heart had felt on it! Not only that, but I got a little box of Whitman's Sampler chocolates. Those girls were so jealous and I hope they learned something about picking boyfriends. (I tried to use that story to help my daughter in her young years but it didn't help.)
Another favorite Valentine's Day memory happened in 7th grade. In December of my 7th grade year we moved to another town, so by the time Valentine's Day rolled around - just two months later - I really didn't have any friends or know many people. On Valentine's Day I got a large (not David large, but big) Valentine's Day card in the mail. It had a padded satin heart and was just a gorgeous card. I think I have it in a scrapbook. It was signed "from your secret admirer." I was all excited thinking about every cute boy in school. I walked around on cloud 9 for a while. It really perked me up and made me feel special. I didn't find out for a long time that my Dad had sent it. How sweet is that? He must have been having a hard time keeping a straight face for that week or so that I was talking about the card and wondering who my secret admirer was.
I hope this post brought back some sweet memories for you. Happy Valentine's Day!


Anonymous said...

that is truly a nice story. i thought that you'd say at the end that he's now your husband...

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Wow, I just posted a 3rd-grade story of myself, but it was nothing like this; you really had it goin' on in Grade 3!

These are great stories. I racked my brain for Valentines, and I can only remember in high school, where you could buy anonymous corsages for people, and they'd be delivered in 3rd hour class. Someone sent me 8 of them, and I walked the halls covered in carnations.

Mr. Jazz said...

Cool stories and I love how your mom responded to the principal. She rocks! I'm not big on the whole Valentine thing: too commercial for me; but your spin on it brings out the essence of what it really should be which the "overmarketing" of this special day has hidden for all those years.

♪♪♪ Love is in the air ♪♪♪

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Wonderful stories. I like what your dad did. That was great. Any idea what David is doing these days?

Jazz said...

Such cute stories. And good thing for Mr. Jazz that I'm likewise not big on the whole valentine's day thing!

Ian Lidster said...

You third grade hottie, you. Nothing wrong with that. My mother insisted that I give Valentines to every kid in the class, not just 'special' people. I wanted them to only go to my chosen ones. And, since you were so popular you would have gotten one.

Anonymous said...

I have absolutely no Valentine's stories cute, horrid or anywhere in between. I don't know why. Except maybe because it's so close to my birthday it has never been that important or memorable?

Scarlet said...

Your parents sound awesome! I love your mom's response to the principal's question (lol) and I love that your dad was your "secret admirer." Great stories!

Scarlet said...

PS - Happy Valentine's Day, girl friend!! :)

Carole said...

Hey Gee, Happy Valentine's Day! I loved your sweet Valentine's day stories. Your parents sound like such special people. I also loved your mothers response too. Very funny! hee hee And your Dad's sending you that big secret admirer's card was sooo sweet!

I had something similar happen with my son's teacher in elementary school where she was basically blackmailing him with a few dirty words he had said. She literally had them stuck in an envelope and was threatening him with them. When I found out, man...I blasted her on it! I hit the roof and turned it around and threatened her with what she had done! She didn't think of it as "blackmail", but I sure did, after all, that's exactly what she was doing. Anyway...I haven't thought of that in years. haha

Most of my good Valentine's day memories are more of being my kid's room mother's in school and helping out with their parties more than memories of my own parties. I got super sick at one of my school Valentine's party, and never forgot that. Ack!

geewits said...

~~That's funny.

~~Wow, EIGHT! I bet that made your day.

Mr. Jazz,
~~Mom was pretty cool that day.

~~He has a pretty unusual last name but I have not been able to locate him via internet. I last saw him when I was 16.

~~Well Mr. Jazz cooks so you get treats every day of the year.

~~Oh David put the little ones in everyone's envelope, I just happened to get the extra one.

~~I'm getting the impression that Canadians just aren't that into it.

~~Thanks! I hope you had a great weekend.

~~Now I'm wondering if we even did Valentine's Day at my daughter's school. I did Christmas and Easter parties but don't remember Valentine's Day. How weird that the teacher was blackmailing your son. Eww.