Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Yellow Rose of Tacky

I was going to take a picture to show how ugly my section of Texas is in the winter when it's overcast and I noticed this truck in front of me. (Yeah okay, taking a picture when I'm going 65 mph down Airport Freeway is probably as bad as talking on a cell phone, so to everyone on that section of Airport freeway at 11:08 this morning, I sincerely apologize and promise that it will not happen again.) Then I saw this truck, and no, I was not tailgating, I cropped the picture. Anyway, if I can stop stopping to explain everything, it made me think about all the tackiness of Texas.

Then I remembered to take this picture of this very Texasy house that is on my Meals on Wheels route. It usually has a giant mobile barbecue smoker thing in the driveway (which would have been awesome) but it wasn't there today. And in case you can't see them,
the shutters are all about the Texas Tacky:

And then of course this was in the bar I stopped by:

What was funny about all this, was when I got home, I had an e-mail from a friend in North Carolina that had a "Are you Yankee or Dixie?" quiz. I took the quiz and it said:
78% Dixie. This is a pretty strong Southern score!
I thought it was funny that I was 78% Dixie since I was born and raised in North Carolina and now live in Texas. Where did that 22% of NOT Dixie come from? Plus, one of the questions was defective. Question #7 asked, "How do you address a group of people?" Well I say, "You guys," and although that was not listed as an answer, it showed up after my response as if it had been an answer. If it had been an answer, I think I would have been even LESS Dixie.
Latest Spoonerisms: The other day I was thinking about something and I said, in my head, "Better nate than lever!" That still freaks me out because I still can't get over the fact that it's not a speech thing. Then two days ago, I put a towel on the kitty castle, because my cats REALLY love sleeping on towels, and Barney went to sleep there and I said to MY Sweetie, "I'm glad Barney found that." He said, "What?" I said, "I put a castle on the towel."


Big Brother said...

The Reverend Spooner would be proud of you. I usually am just at a loss for words, I come to say something and the word I want to use just ain't there... I've always been like that so it isn't just my old age. ;o)

Jazz said...

Whoa! I'm 68% Dixie and I've never lived further south than Montreal...

That's just bizarre.

ticknart said...

I'm 60% Dixie. That's what I get for watching reruns of The Dukes of Hazard when I was little.

Since you put up a picture of a Long Horn, I have to ask, what's an Aggie look like?

geewits said...

Big Brother,
~~I was reading an old blog that I used to visit and found two more:

Giving driving instructions to my husband I said, "This is the most Diroute Rect."

Watching a TV show about Hollywood homes I said, "Look! It's Marcho Grouxes house!

~~I thought that quiz was odd!

~~You are very brave to admit that in public!

Ian Lidster said...

48% Yankee for me, so guess that makes me 52% Dixie.

Jo said...

Well, I'm 52% Dixie. How on earth did that happen???

That house is a very pretty little house, if it didn't have those tacky shutters. My goodness!

geewits said...

Ian & Josie,
~~Yeah two B.C. Canadians registering 52% Dixie is just wrong!

ticknart said...

I tried looking it up. Is an Aggie that ugly dog?

geewits said...

~~I have no idea. Maybe they don't have a mascot.