Monday, December 03, 2007

Not a Day Tripper

I get an e-mail from My Sweetie today that says:

What’s the name of the hotel where you want to stay this January?

I send him the link:

Then I get THIS:

What time would you like to leave on Saturday? And what time should we come back Sunday?

And I'm all "WHAAAAA?!!??" Leave on Saturday and come back Sunday? Yeah, I don't think so. I'm not going to spend an entire day on traveling for a nice dinner in San Diego. I love San Diego, but not THAT much. The last two times I went on Friday. As long as I have one full day, I'm fine, but I'm not going to fly two days in a row just to spend less than 24 hours in San Diego. So now he's going to re-check everything and try to take Monday off so I can have my full day. Yeah, because, otherwise, no.


Linda said...

Awww. But it's so romantical! We literally took a train for 30 something hours for lunch in Seattle with some friends... well we did go on to a lodge after that, but I'm just saying - sometimes, it's worth it!

Jo said...

Did he say which Monday and which Sunday? They might not be back to back. Here's hoping... :-)

Jazz said...

I had the same thought as Josie. No such luck eh?

ticknart said...

Personally, I think that first trip to San Diego sounded about right, unless I'm going to Legoland, of course. I haven't been there, yet.

geewits said...

~~You must be a lot younger than me!

Josie and Jazz,
~~You guys are just weird. Of course he was talking about the Monday of the San Diego weekend!

~~That's because you live so close. And I'm NOT going to Legoland.

Ian Lidster said...

I am literally green with envy, and it's not a pretty sight. San Diego I love.

Tai said...

"Yeah, because, otherwise, no."

Made me LAUGH!!

Jammie J. said...

That would seriously be ridiculous! You'd barely get the kinks out of your legs from the plane and then have to get the kinks back. *shudder*

Big Brother said...

I'm with you there, if you're going to travel by Cattle Car Air.... make it count. When we travelled to the UK & Ireland we stayed for 8 weeks and still didn't see everything, so we went back two summers later for another 5 weeks. At least we had the time to get the kinks out of our legs.

geewits said...

~~I've always said it's the only other place (so far) that I could live.

~~Yeah, uhm, well then, okay. ;)

~~Yes, I knew you would understand. Flying is an all-day job.

Big Brother,
~~Okay rub it in. How many people can take an 8 week vacation?

Scarlet said...

I hope it works out because that view is worth it! Wow!

geewits said...

~~Me too! I love San Diego.