Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Slow and Steady Just Makes Stuff Take a Long Time

In my usual tortoise-like pace, I have taken another step toward the completion of the bathroom that I began updating in June of 2006. I had a message from the mural guy the other day and he said, "The job is complete and you should be receiving your mural on Tuesday." I assume he meant the Tuesday next which is tomorrow. The mural will look like this:
And will fill this space:

The guy who did my shower gave me a recommendation for someone to hang the mural. I called her this afternoon and explained everything and she said she would do it on Thursday. I could tell she thought I was missing a few tools from my shed, and that's okay because I can be rather goofy at times. Okay, most times. But I was smart enough to say this: "I know you'll do a great job, because I call Andy for referrals for any job I need done and everyone he has sent has done an excellent job!"


Ian Lidster said...

Beautiful mural. Great for the person standing up. But, if you are sitting, then you're going to have to twist around backwards to admire it. So, if I ever have to pee at your house I will gain full advantage.

Scarlet said...

I'd like to see it completed...the before and after shots.

It'll be like you're peeing outdoors, that open air feeling.

Jo said...

Okay, everyone here has said the word 'pee', so I'm going to be different ... and not. :-) heh, heh.

That's a gorgeous mural.


geewits said...

I got the mural today and I love it! I did a watercolor filter over a photo I took in Muir Woods. The lady will be here Thursday afternoon to put it up and OF COURSE I will take a picture.

At least you guys were talking about peeing. My husband said, "So we'll be like bears?"

And Scarlet, that was funny. Well right up there is the before picture!

JR's Thumbprints said...

This will give new meaning to the concept of a rain forrest. Do shows us the completed project.

Jo said...

Oh, Gawd... trust JR :-)