Saturday, June 20, 2009

More Unrelated Topics

I just wasted almost a whole hour of my life looking for this ruler:
And, no, that's not where I found it. That's where it should have been. They always publish reports about how much time we waste in traffic and doctors' offices and checkout lines, but no one ever talks about "looking for stuff." Because I always like to look at the bright side, I figured I must have burned a few calories walking all through my house 18 times.
It was by the back door. I remember taking it outside a while back for some reason, but I don't know what it was. And even more annoying is the fact that I actually have TWO of those rulers. I wonder where the other one is?
I stumbled upon a really sweet movie today called The Education of Little Tree. It's one of those movies where you feel like you're reading a book. Well, I did anyway. Maybe that makes no sense to some of you. And it stars James Cromwell, so that's a big enough selling point right there.
I got my Dorothy costume on Thursday and not only did the dress fit perfectly, but I think the "ruby slippers" look even better than the catalogue picture:

I bought them a little large so I could stuff them with Dr. Scholl's gel things since I will be walking all over Bourbon Street. I wonder how dirty they will get?
For years now whenever I'd look at stuff under the microscope I'd alway think, "I wish I could take a picture of this!" And then the other night, I thought, "Hey! Why not try it?" I was looking at this pretty rock:

It was really beautiful and it looked like it had teeny tiny geodes in it:

It was a little tricky getting that picture, but I was very happy to see that it can be done. And of course the picture is not half as pretty as what you actually see under the microscope.
I'm going to get the paint this weekend for the footstool project. I was going to use some that I had, but I decided to go in a different direction. I will probably be done at the end of the week.
The whole reason I was looking for that ruler was to cut out all the art pictures for my daughter's project. And now I don't feel like it. So now I'm going to do something fun. Either watch the "Buffy" musical again or play Mahjong. Have a great weekend and don't waste any of it looking for stuff.


Lone Grey Squirrel said...

An interesting collection of assorted topics. Glad the Dorothy costume turned out well. And how did you photo the microscope image? I vote for Buffy the musical.

Jammie J. said...

I look for things a lot.
I spent yesterday morning looking for honey at work to put in my cereal. I swear I had a packet of honey in my sauce packet box, but I didn't. But I kept thinking (hoping) that I had missed it the first time I looked. But I hadn't. I must've "hoped" for seven more times after that and finally, sadly, gave up.

Glad you found your ruler. Can't wait to find out where the other one went.

Do you make your sweetie look at the things you look at under the microscope? For some reason, thinking that you do makes me smile. :)

Scarlet said...

I hate it when that happens...when I have two or more of something and kind even fine ONE! Ugh! (I'm glad you were able to find the ruler.)

I really like those ruby shoes. I'm tempted to buy some just for fun. Are they comfy??

Scarlet said...

That should've read, "can't even find one!" I've had a long day. :)

geewits said...

~~I turned the flash off and held the camera up to the right eyepiece. Using the LCD display, I adjusted the microscope to what looked the clearest and also had to keep slightly turning it (the camera). It was tricky, but I got almost the whole circle. Oh, and I ended up playing mahjong and then watching Buffy.

~~I don't spend as much time hunting for things that can be used up, like honey. I would just assume I used it. But a ruler? That has to be somewhere. I'm sure I'll have a good laugh when I find the other one.

My Sweetie has some mild esotropia which he had some surgeries for as a child and has trouble with things that require a focus of both eyes like binoculars or a microscope, so he can't really enjoy all the cool stuff I get to look at.

~~The shoes are not comfy yet, but then again I have very sensitive and weird feet. I think they would be fine for regular people and they will be fine for me after I trick them out with Dr. Scholl's gels.

Anonymous said...

I hate it when stuff isn't where it's supposed to be. I try to have as little stuff as possible and keep it all very organized so it doesn't disappear, but sometimes (because I don't live alone here) things aren't where I left them. And you're so right - it wastes so much time that by the time you find the thing you don't feel like doing whatever it is you were planning on doing with it.

geewits said...

~~And I like everything in it's place so I hate buying new things. Today I bought an awl, but at least I can just put that in the tool box.

Jazz said...

I wish I was really well organized. That'll never happen.