When I said "afternoon" she must have thought I said "after nine," because my phone rang at 9:40 and the plumbers were at my door. I had been asleep about 4 hours and 40 minutes. I wasn't happy. I told him he'd have to wait at least 5 minutes as I was sound asleep when he called. I jumped up, found something to throw on and made my bed. The guy was a nice old guy and I felt bad later because when I opened the door, I greeted him with, "I TOLD her AFTERNOON!" He was real sweet and replaced my two valves, offered to go ahead and put in the other faucet (I said "No, thanks."), and gave me a free part that might help when I tried to fix my MOW lady's leaking faucet the next day. He even tightened my liquid soap dispenser on my kitchen sink - after he'd written up the bill. I was pretty much awake by now and decided I could grab an afternoon nap. Well after lunch, I decided to get that bathroom finished and it took a long time, not to install the new faucet, but because I had everything out, I decided it could benefit from some organization. By the time all that was done and I had finished my regular chores it was too late to take a nap, So I was happy about the bathroom, but pretty crabby from lack of sleep.
Wednesday morning, everything was going fine until around 10:45 and my daughter had not arrived or called. She had been saying for a week that she was going to drive me for MOW. I couldn't even pack the truck, because I pack it differently for two people. She didn't answer the phones, so I figured I needed to leave. The phone rang and a very sleepy voice said, "I'm late." I said, "Well I have to go. Good-bye." Man was I crabby then. I made my deliveries and went back to Mrs. V's to try to repair her leaky faucet and it wasn't like her old faucet that I had replaced. I still had her old one and showed it to the plumber on Tuesday and he had told me how to fix it. And it WASN'T THE SAME. Now I was really crabby. I just turned it off at the shut-off valve (like I did last Wednesday) and told her I did the best I could. Then I went to the Mexican restaurant I discovered last Wednesday for lunch. The guy took FOREVER to take my order and they never brought my chips and salsa, oh wait it came after I said something AFTER I GOT MY MEAL. Wednesday did improve and I had a good time that afternoon at Italianni's.
Thursday I was just crabby because I had to go to the grocery store. I pulled my cart up to the checkout counter and the preppy young golf-playing father of two straight from central casting had left his cart at a jaunty angle blocking the aisle and the counter. He looked at me and at his cart and then turned back to his witty banter with the teen cashier. I kept looking at his cart and looking at him, but he never looked over again. Then in my Most Imperious Voice asked, "IS THIS YOUR CART?" He looked at the cart like he had never seen it and in a light sarcastic tone said, "Oh. Yes. Thank-you." What a tool.
Friday I wasn't crabby, I was just tired from being crabby all week. And today I was fine until about an hour ago, My Sweetie said he thought it would be fun to invite three of his co-workers over next Saturday for games and a cook-out. Guess who's the cook?