Friday, March 30, 2007

Normal Again?

I just want to thank everyone who comments here. My week was awful until today and the fun comments on my last post did make me feel a little better every day. If this is a taste of what menopause is going to be like, I am SO NOT looking forward to THAT.

Monday I had awful free-floating anxiety and as much as I tried to rationalize everything, I just couldn't shake it, which made me feel depressed. Tuesday morning I had a long awful dream involving losing my daughter (who was about 10 or 11 in the dream, although she's actually 22) in Greece. An old friend tried to help me find her and we looked and looked and I never did find her. It was a VERY LONG and tiring dream. I wasn't blue on Tuesday, but still had the anxiety and tenseness all day which lead to feeling tired and worn out. On Wednesday, I felt tired and aggitated. My Meals on Wheels delivery did NOT go smoothly. We had flowers to give out for Easter and they kept falling over and spilling water in their box and it seemed like the glass vases were going to break every time I hit a bump. On top of that, I had a new person, read my mapsco wrong and had to keep pulling over to look at the map. I made it through that by making myself laugh with this thought, "This day sucks. I embrace the suckiness of this day." Once I came up with that mantra, I felt better. I went straight home after lunch and took a two hour nap. My daughter came over with dinner and we watched Beaches. (My Sweetie had a vendor engagement, poor thing - he had to go spend several hours in a platinum club box at a Dallas Mavericks game.) My daughter is a HUGE Bette Midler fan, but had never seen Beaches. She got mad at me at the end when it made her cry - but in a funny way.

This morning I dreamed I was doing some sort of commando raid (I think I had a machine gun) with some people in a nice big house and we all got killed. Then we were revived as zombies, so we had to get wigs because dead people don't have hair. I got to pick out my hair. I just pinned it right to my head. Then we decided to stay in that house and run it as a Bed and Breakfast and I was going to be the bartender. I went to the kitchen and was mad because there were dirty dishes in the sink. But wait, the absurdity doesn't end there. So me and the other zombies are all out in the back yard and all these random pieces of tan paper start raining down from the sky. One of the other zombies says, "I think they are giving us a ticker-tape parade!" And I said, "Or maybe the rest of the world has been blown to bits and this is the fallout." Then I woke up. And oddly enough, I felt normal again.


Jo said...

Omigosh, Geewits! You must be exhausted after all those dreams and all that anxiety. It's funny, a few nights ago I dreamed I lost my daughter in Mexico City and I couldn't find her. I tried phoning everywhere but the phone wouldn't work. So I know exactly how you are feeling.

I hope you're feeling better now. You must have needed to work something out of your system.


JR's Thumbprints said...

You know, those dreams will only get worse after watching "Beaches." What were you thinking? Hope next week goes better for you.

geewits said...

I've lost her a few times in dreams. When she was around 10 I dreamed she was stolen by gypsies as a toddler. My husband thinks I'm having all of this over getting that bathroom finished. I still think it's hormones. I was having LOTS of hot flashes during all of this. I wonder why we were both in foreign countries when we lost our daughters? Hmmmm.

Just by saying that, I think you've watched "Beaches." Most men would never admit to THAT!

Gary said...

I really loved beaches. I have often wondered how many natural, untrained actresses and actors there must be who would make great movies if they just had the chance. I'll bet there are a ton of them.

geewits said...

Good point! It seems like every couple of years there is a break-out talent, with no acting background, like Jennifer Hudson last year and that girl from "Whale Rider" a few years ago. I guess here you were referring to Mayim Bialik?

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I heard Joy Behar say on The View, that some women have Menopause for the rest of their lives!!! (Help!)...If that is true...well, all I can say is ---Pace Yourself! (LOL)
Thanks so much for your visit!

Tai said...

Welcome to my dreams!! I have dreams like this all the time and they ARE exhausting.
And I don't think that there's anything you can do about it, either.
I count myself lucky if I don't wake up terrified.

geewits said...

Old Lady,
"Pace yourself!" That's hilarious. And also good advice!

I take two medications. One lists "vivid dreams" and the other "unusual dreams" as possible side effects. So between the two I have vivid AND unusual dreams. I sometimes do wake up still "feeling" the dream. On the flip side, some of the dreams are so good, I am disappointed when I wake up!