I finally started up the rock tumbler I got for Christmas. It said to set it up in an out-of-the-way area as it can be quite noisy, so I put it in the very southwest corner of the house in my "random room." I didn't have enough beach rocks to fill it, so my daughter brought hers over. And she has LOTS. I probably won't be able to tell them apart but I took a picture of my rocks before I put them in. At least I'll know how many are mine.
So I added the grit and water and got it going and much to my surprise, it has a very pleasant sound. It reminds me of a heavy steady rain on a skylight or metal roof. Here it is in action:
So in a month I'll have the after pictures. Yes, it takes a whole month and you do it in four stages. So far, so good.
A month!!!!!
Holy Hell, who knew.
Maybe I wasn't paying attention, but what do the rocks do in there that takes a whole month?
Also, just how many rooms in your house do you have?
I'm with Jammie...I don't get what the end result is supposed to look like. Please share.
My brother's and I had a tumbler when we were kids, but only used it once because we were so impatient to see the results. I think we lasted three days.
It didn't look good.
You can buy stainless steel ball bearings and tumble your jewelry in there - only takes a day and boy will it sparkle!
So if you fall sleep on a really stinking hot day with no rain for relief, you can at least dream ... with sound effects.
I bought a rock tumbler, but no one told me it would take a month, and the thing sounded horrible! Plus, we were living in a one-bedroom apartment at the time, so there was no way we could have kept it going for so long.
Still, I would have loved to have kept it, and nurtured the hobby. I look forward to seeing the results of your tumbling!
I'm with everyone else who has expressed shock and dismay at the length of time this takes. I've always wanted a rock tumbler, too, but I sure don't have the patience to listen to it spinning away week after week after week. But I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished product. Do you get to peek every once in a while or does that ruin everything?
Pardon my mistaken apostrophe. Bad, me.
~~No kidding. I had no idea until I got it.
Jammie J and Scarlet,
~~1) coarse grit - 7 days, 2) Fine grit - 7 days 3) Pre-polish - 3 days, 4) Polish - 7 days Then they come out all shiny and sparkly. And Jammie, the Random Room is the former Cat Room.
~~THREE days?!? Yeah, you guys were impatient, alright.
Mad Mary,
~~I'll have to look that up. And thanks for dropping by.
~~It's been dry as a bone here so I do get mental relief when I go in there.
~~I like the way it sounds but I guess it could be very annoying if you had to hear it all the time. Thanks for dropping in!
~~I will get to see them after each stage (see above comment to Jammie and Scarlet), because you have to drain and rinse them between each stage. And I forgot that there is water added along with the grits and polishes.
~~Bad US. I didn't even notice.
I'm anxious to see what they will look like after that slow month....! And you are right, the sound isn't to horrific, though I could see how it might frive you a bit looney after a good 48 hours...lol! Mine would have to be out in The Garage, in a far far corner.....!
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