Sunday, January 04, 2009


So after my last post I am rethinking about seeing my old friend. I guess most people go through this at some point. I was in the shower today and I was wondering if they would even show up. First of all, we won't have a car. They would have to come and see us at the hotel. Secondly, his wife is the one I talked to last month and she didn't seem all thrilled about meeting me or anything. My friend, D, had throat cancer and almost died and not from the throat cancer, but from detoxing from alcohol while he was in the hospital. So he doesn't drink or smoke anymore. His wife said, "He can't go in a bar." Like she was his mom.
And what would we talk about? Our history together is just that: History. And it's a partying crazy history. I doubt his wife would like to hear the Champagne Jam* story, although My Sweetie has already heard it and thinks it's funny. And now that I think about it D hates that story. As far as recent stuff, I sure as hell wouldn't ask something like "How did you guys meet?" because I know how they met and it's not pretty. We could talk about how smart we were in QPS**, but that would take about 15 minutes and then what? We certainly wouldn't reminisce about the story where the two of us cleaned up the beach house in 1978 while everyone was out because you would have had to have been there.
And all that "So what do you do?" stuff would be uncomfortable because while My Sweetie has a nice job, he doesn't own a telecommunications company that his dad gave him. I suppose we could talk about Dad because that's the last time we saw each other, but D's wife never met Dad. As usual I'm sure I'm overthinking this. If they show up next Sunday I'm sure we'll have a pleasant visit and if they don't that will be fine too.
*Champagne Jam was a concert in Atlanta in maybe 1979 that was one of those all day multiple band concerts. My high school boyfriend, myself and several other guys including D all went in someone's pick-up that had a camper on the back. It was a Saturday concert, but we left from North Carolina on Friday night. At some point we stopped to change drivers, pee and whatnot and shortly after we left the gas station, D was driving and everyone settled down to sleep. I was in the bed/camper part but for some reason started watching the road through the connecting window when I noticed some sign saying we were going north. Instead of sliding the window open and tapping D and telling him, I slid the window open and started yelling "D!! What are you doing??!!? You're going NORTH!!???!! Atlanta is SOUTH!!!!" I woke everyone up, freaked D out and he gave me hell about that for years. I still think it's funny.

**QPS (Quantative Physical Science) was an experimental science class in 9th grade that was the brainchild of some Duke University professors. Unfortunately, we were randomly placed in there and D and I were the only smart people and lab partners. We made like 112 on every test and everyone else made like 56. They probably discontinued QPS after that year.


Scarlet said...

Oh, I would meet them, definitely. You know it's never as awkward and uncomfortable as we play it out in our heads. It's like giving speeches...once you get into it, you're fine.

I'd love to hear more stories...and maybe he'll reminisce about something you may have forgotten. Sounds like your Sweetie is pretty cool with everything, so why not?

Jazz said...

I remember, after emailing about meeting each other, wondering whether I should maybe just call it off, cause what if we didn't hit it off and all that shit? As I remember it we had a great time...

geewits said...

~~I guess I could e-mail you the cop/jail/vomit story. Or maybe not. And yeah you're probably right. I'm going to call them later today and see what's what.

~~We had a great time, but we were all blogger meety, not seeing an old party friend from our wild youth, although we almost sorta were, eh?

Ian Lidster said...

I appreciate and understand your quandary. Having had the privilege of meeting some blogger buddies, it has all gone well, but it will still induce a feeling in the gut.

All I can say is trust your instincts and go with them. So, if it doesn't work out, well WTF.

geewits said...

Ian, this is not a blogger buddy. This is a very old friend that I haven't seen in 10 years. I'm just wondering what we'd talk about. I'm fine with meeting blogger people because I got lucky and met Jazz first.

Anonymous said...

It will probably be a big non-event. I recently met up with some people from my wild youth and they were all old and married and divorced and we just had old, boring, married/divorced conversations. Not even too much about the good old days because everyone has pretty much forgotten most of it and/or it’s too depressing to think about those halcyon days. We just talked about our kids and spousal units and jobs a bit. YAWN. It was okay. The food was good.

geewits said...

~~I honestly believe they won't show up. I think the wife has issues. I'm gonna go on that.

Carole said...

Isn't it great to have fun stuff to look forward to like the trip to Orlando and then getting to see Carol Burnett?!! Great way to kick off 2009!

It was nice of you to let your old friend know you'd be visiting there, and if they come see you at the hotel fine...and if not...that's fine too. Either way, don't you fret over it. You Just go have a blast there with your sweetie, and then when you get home settle in and enjoy the show!

Oh, and I do some of my best thinking in the shower too! haha

I'm so glad we had this time together
Just to have a laugh and sing a song
Seems we just got started and before you know it
Comes the time we have to say, 'So long.

I'm wiggling my ear at you right now! :-)

geewits said...

~~Yeah, I'm not going to fret about it. I called yesterday and D acted all surprised and flustered like maybe his wife never told him. It was odd. We'll see. I don't really care at this point - just looking forward to a fun getaway. And Carole Burnett of course!