Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Blech Blech and Blech!

I was watching Jay Leno and Paula Deen was on there showing Jay how to make stuffed shells and she kept licking her fingers. Stuff a shell, lick her fingers, stuff a shell, lick her fingers. It was really really grossing me out. I had to turn off the TV. I googled "Paula Deen licking her fingers" and found some chat page about it. Why would anyone DO THAT?


Jammie J. said...

Yuck. I wear plastic food gloves when I prep food.

Scarlet said...

That's disgusting!!

I wonder if it'll appear on You Tube.

I'll have to check out that chat page later and see what you wrote. :)

ticknart said...

While making food that will be eaten by others, I'd not do that, but when I make it only for myself I'll lick almost anything that's been in the food, including my fingers. It's one of the joys of cooking for yourself. Like licking the beaters after mixing up cake batter.

Carole said...

I love the food network and am an avid watcher, but...I hardly ever watch Paula Deen unless she is on a special cooking with other chefs, and that is one of the chief reasons. It is gross when she licks her fingers while cooking for others.

One of the other things that bugs me is when a chef is cooking with chicken, and they give that little cursory wash of the hands with ONLY water. I'm screaming (on the inside) use SOAP or Sal Mineo will visit you! haha

Jazz said...

Um... ewwwwwwwwwww.

Big Brother said...

I'm not squeamish but I sure wouldn't eat at her table.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

It is amazing! Especially in this day and age when there are such horrific "SUPER BUGS"....That is so unappitizing, isn't it? OY!

geewits said...

~~Where do you get those?

~~You don't want to see it.

~~Yeah if it's just for you it doesn't matter but on cooking shows they usually give it to the staff or audience.

~~Yeah, I've noticed that with raw chicken too. (shudder)


~~Good idea.

~~Yeah, it was pretty weird to watch. You'd think someone would tell her to stop.

Ian Lidster said...

That's absolutely disgusting.

Tartine said...

OMG, I was just watching Monday's TiVo'd episode of Leno and was so grossed out to see exactly what you described. I had gone on YouTube so I could post a link to my foodie pals but there was no video up yet. So I Googled "Paula Deen+Jay Leno+finger licking" and your post came up. I totally agree: It was a new level of YUCK. She licked her fingers (yes, plural; she was licking the thumb AND index finger) after every single shell she stuffed and then reached with her saliva-tainted fingers for a new shell to infect... ultimate grossness for sure!

geewits said...

~~Yes. Yes, it really was.

~~Hi, thanks for stopping by. We will always share that horrible memory.

VioletSky said...

Yech. And I thought her accent was a turn off.

Anonymous said...

Everyone already said all the grossed-out stuff I would have said, so I'm going to branch out and say how yucky it is when the cashier at the supermarket licks her fingers before counting out my change -- I mean, her fingers are black from handling money all day (not to mention all the much-handled and/or leaky groceries). Once I said "Ew" and she said "what?" and I told her and she said she does it all the time and is never sick. Oh well

Cycling Goddess said...

I saw that! And thought exactly the same thing, along with being hugely annoyed with him making fun of her accent (must come from me being annoyed when people make fun of my accent, BOTH in French and English lol). All I could think was "use a towel!"

Can you imagine how the audience must have felt knowing they'll have to eat the darn thing?? LOL

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've been holding this in for days. I LOVE Paula Deen, always have. I love that she started out "late" in life and has made it on her own. So I was thrilled to see her on Jay Leno the other night and watched happily.

But she was so disgusting I couldn't stand to watch her cook. I know it was only props and the food they actually served was already cooked, but EVERY TIME SHE STUFFED A SHELL, SHE'D LICK HER FINGER AND THEN PICK UP ANOTHER ONE. Jesus! I'd never eat anything she served after seeing that.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm love to cook, and I'm like my old Southern mom. I do cook with my hands, I don't wear gloves, etc. But lick my fingers while cooking? I'm single and I don't even do that? I'm shocked that I haven't found another comment about this anywhere online. I'll still collect her recipes, but if she's cookin', I ain't eatin'!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to post twice, but one more thing - you know if she was THAT relaxed on television, she must be disgusting when NOT on NATIONAL TELEVISION.

Did anyone notice that in the beginning, she was wiping her fingers after each lick on a little towel. By the end of the show, she didn't even do that. Yuck!! Yuck to infinity!!

And we're not the only ones who think so.


Anonymous said...

They just reran the Leno show with paula. I have never seen her before, and my Mother idiolizer her. I was excited to see what she is like. I was sooooooo discusted. Enough to google paula licking fingers, and enough to post. Paula, if you, or your People are reading this!! wise up and wear an apron, and use it.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but Paula Deen, the licking the fingers was the worst thing I have ever seen a cook do on TV. I can't even believe Jay took a bite of what was made after he saw you do that, I wouldn't. Then at the end you grabbed him like you wanted him to kiss you...freaky...if you don't get asked back, watch it again and again and you will know why. I think a bookstore would have books on CLASS - buy one please and don't write books about manners. I am a cook and even if I was making food just for myself I would never do that...there are towels, aprons and the sink...and you think Jay is trailer trash? Mirrors in your house? Thanks for letting us all know though what you are REALLY like.