Monday, November 03, 2008

Halloween Pics and Bill Info

This is all I did for our little porch this year because I just didn't feel like hanging all that black cloth and there was already so much stuff going on in the yard. I really liked the see-through plastic door skull thing:
That thing on the right is a death angel thing I've had for years:
This is a picture of almost everything:

And here's a close-up of the flying dead monkey that everyone liked from last year:

This gargoyle is just to the right of the stuff in the group picture up there:

That odd shade of green you can see just to the right of the pedestal in the above picture was a green plastic bag that I used over some foil and stuff with a lamp to make a green glowing light behind the gargoyle. It looked pretty cool in the dark. But the best part of the night was when the doorbell was rung by this cute little witch:

My Sweetie got up for this one and I was sitting in my chair when "the Mom" waved at me in a friendly, familiar way. My brain went "whirr whirr whirr" and I hopped up and went to the door and said, "Mariel?" I had not seen Mariel since 2002. She was my daughter's best friend in high school but after high school they drifted apart. Mariel got married, had a baby and moved to Arkansas. I had been thinking about her A LOT lately because Mariel nearly died in high school from TTP. We went to see her quite often for about two or three weeks at the very same hospital that Bill is in. When we went the first time for Bill, I was giving My Sweetie directions and asked, "Don't you remember all this from when Mariel was here?" I've always talked about the weird synchronicity events in my life and this is another good example. She now lives here in my little 'burb, which is not where she started out. And every time we've pulled up to that hospital, I thought about her. I wish I had caught her daughter smiling because she was so cute and when she'd say "Happy Halloween" she'd pull off her little hat and tip it over like she was on a Broadway stage.
The Bill news is not great at this point. His surgery went fine Friday morning but he took a very long time to wake up and had to stay on the ventilator until Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon, about an hour before we got there, he had some sort of event which caused all the alarms to go off and my poor MIL thought THIS IS IT. His oxygen/blood level had fallen into the very low zone and that's what caused the alarms to sound. While we were there it rose and fell at first but finally started leveling off at around 94, which is good for him. It had been in the 70's. He was very agitated and when his morphine would wear off he would say things like, "I have to get up." He looked right at me once and said my name, so he was somewhat aware at times. He wanted his oxygen mask off and everyone kept telling him it had to stay on. Sunday morning one of his lungs collapsed and they had to put him back on the ventilator. Oh and sometime late Saturday night or early Sunday, he got agitated and pulled some of the tubes out of himself including the one going into his chest. That was not good. Apparently he went a little berserk and was spouting the F word all over the place. I'm guessing he wanted to "get up" because that is a common theme with him. The irony is if they said, "Okay, dude, knock yourself out," he wouldn't even be able to get up. I hope things settle down and he is able to breathe better on his own soon. The good news is that it has now been over a week since he has had a cigarette. I called a few hours ago and they said his collapsed lung has stayed open and that he was awake and alert again. I hope he has a good night and doesn't pull anymore stuff out of himself.


VioletSky said...

I don't know how I missed the last few posts...where have I been?? Anyway, glad that Bill's lung is co-operating and will be praying everything else co-operates.

Scarlet said...

I'm sorry to hear of all the drama with Bill, but at least he's better now.

As for your yard, it couldn't have been more festive. I love it! The little witch is adorable, too. The way she tipped her hat off for you sounds too cute. You're right, your life is full of weird synchronicity. It makes for some great stories, like this one about Mariel.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Your Halloween Decorations are so wonderful...I would think ALL the neighborhood kids would just flock to your house on The Big Eve....That little girl is Adorable! What a sweet costume she has on, too!

So sorry to read about what has been happening with Bill..This kind of thing seems to be very common with a lot of people....And it always reminds me how some people's reaction to Morphine and other medications of that sort is very different than other peoples. You would think they might have figured out by now, a way to correct that when they see some people becoming that agitated....The Agitation and pulling out if tubes and all is what seems to happen to so very many people....! I Hope he settles down, too....Maybe, when he doesn't need as much pain medication, things will get a bit better, particularly the Agitation...Poor guy.....!

geewits said...

~~Yeah, where have you been? Bill's doing better finally. I hope it keeps up.

~~She really was a cutie. I wish I had a video of her doing her "Happy Halloween" thing.

~~He's off the morphine today so hopefully things will get better.

Jazz said...

Sorry about Bill, but tbe lung is holding on, so that's good...

As for your Halloween decorations, I'd have thought that headless zombie would have scared the living daylights out of that cute little girl.

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Wow, stressful news about Bill. Hope everyone's hanging in there.

As for Mariels' little one; I sometimes wonder how long it will before my son's friends start bringing their babies over for trick or treats. Interesting next phase of life to come.

Carole said...

Your pictures are great! That little witch was sooo cute! That was funny that you had just told me about Mariel, then they showed up at your door on Halloween night. Maybe she knew you were thinking about her!

I hope Bill starts to improve as time goes on.

Anonymous said...

Your yard is a work of art. So many Halloween decorations are so tacky and cheap looking, but you’ve really done some creative stuff here. I can’t wait to see what you do for Christmas! And, Bill needs to get off the pain meds – or at least those particular ones – they have a tendancy to make some people act oddly.

geewits said...

~~He is doing better and may come home on Friday. It was dark and she was young, maybe she didn't even notice.

~~It's pretty weird to have friends my age that are grandmas. My daughter(only child) is not going to have children so I will never be a grandmother. I'm glad. I'm too silly to be a grandmother and I don't bake.

~~I'm glad they went to your house too so you got see how cute Alexis was.

~~He is off the morphine and much improved. He was well enough to feel very remorseful the next day. And thanks about the yard!