Monday, September 24, 2007

Can't. Stay. On. Topic.

I broke the butter dish tonight and I was going to do a whole depressing post about my childhood and how we weren't raised with the "don't cry over spilt milk" mindframe. We were raised on the "You spilled MILK? What the hell is wrong with you, you uncoordinated pathetic loser?!?" thing. And then I was looking at these pictures of Barney and Rufus playing and I just couldn't get into spilling my guts about how cold my parents could be. ("You spilled your guts? What the fuck is wrong with you?!?") So anyway, I thought I would just ramble tonight.


We watched the first part of Ken Burns' "The War" and it was very good and very intense. I cried of course, how could you not? There's so much TV going on right now I had to make notes today. We already missed the new Kelsey Grammer sitcom last Wednesday. A lot of the stuff we want to watch overlaps so I have to figure out what we'll watch and what we'll record. And I'm sure anything new that we love will be canceled after 6 episodes, because that is geewits' law.


We took my in-laws out to dinner last night for my MIL's birthday which was Wednesday. She is 61 which is cute because she is only 15 years older than me. She has a brother that is two years younger than me. Than I? Uhm, than I be? Yeah, one of those. We had a nice time and good food, but the pictures were all terrible. Even My Sweetie didn't look good. The lighting there must be godawful. Maybe my camera was just having a bad lens day.


I think I'm fixing to enter the phase where you get fat after you stop smoking. Intellectually, I know.... Okay, that seemed like a good start for a sentence, but seriously I need to stop craving things like Ruffles and onion dip because then I'll just think, well it would be better to smoke than eat THAT. And either one gives you bad breath. Well except the chips and dip don't coat your lungs in nasty. Just your arteries. And yeah, I said "fixing to" because I am from North Carolina and live in Texas. That's how we talk. Especially when we are cranky from eating Ruffles and onion dip and feeling guilty about it.


I know it is officially Autumn now, but it is continuing to be around 90 degrees every day, which is actually kinda cool for here, but is not, you know really COOL by any stretch of the imagination. The only thing that feels Fallish is the lighting. And by lighting I mean, something about how the light outside looks a little different. How's that for descriptive? I keep wanting to wear my white jeans just to be ornery because, you know, we SHOULD NOT EVEN CONSIDER FOR ONE MINUTE wearing white jeans after Labor Day. But it is 90 degrees outside. If it looks like summer and feels like summer, it's summer? Okay. I won't wear the white jeans.


My Mom just got back from N.C. They are only going to stay about two weeks. I told her I was going to pack a cooler full of beer and crawl into her trunk and ride back with her to N.C. I guess I won't do that, but My Sweetie and I have discussed getting a beach house down there next year. For a week I meant. Anyone want to go in with us? I like Merritt House and Jewel of the Isle. Check out that link and tell me which beach house you like. And pack your white jeans.


Jazz said...

90? I'm heading into 90 degree weather? Halle-freaking-llulia!

'Couse 90 is what they're talking about here today too. Which is highly bizarre. Getting me ready perhaps?

ticknart said...

I vote for Jewel of the Isle.

I won't be there, but I still want to vote.

geewits said...

~~It's supposed to be 88 on Friday and 90 on Saturday. Get those open toed shoes back out.

~~I just enjoy looking at the beach pictures. We're pretty serious about going next year and as you can see it's a lot cheaper than most vacations.

Tai said...

I'm so envious of Jazz! And you! And you and Jazz!
You should both wear white jeans and take a picture of the rest of us!

JR's Thumbprints said...

So, when exactly do I fall back?

geewits said...

~~Taht will be tricky!

~~November 4th.

geewits said...

Ha ha! I typed "taht"

Jo said...

Geewits, omigosh, look how Barney has GROWN! Holy doodle.

My life is governed by the six-month law as well. In fact, it pretty much concerns anything in my life. If I find a bra that I like, or a lipstick shade, or a nice restaurant, I know darn well it's going to be discontinued.

Don't cry over broken butter dishes. Ikea has some beautiful butter dishes.

geewits said...

~~Barney already weighs more than Lily, outr 10-year-old female. She weighs 6.4 pounds and Barney is at 7.5. His "surgery" is next week.

That ALWAYS happens to me. I LOVE the internet where I can find Pears soap and Carmex in the hard plastic tubes.

But it took me SO LONG to find that particular butter dish. I only like clear glass ones. I think I got it at Target.

And the worst thing about breaking glass? Cats. They want to run in there and see what all the fuss is about and then you are afraid they will cut up their little paws.

Ian Lidster said...

The most poignant aspect of Burns' 'The War' was the downhome stuff because it humanized the horrors that were to ensue. Such a metaphor for today, unfortunately.
For some reason I haven't been able to access your blog for a couple of days, don't know why. so that's why I'm late in responding.

geewits said...

~~We are big fans of "Band of Brothers" also, but this really shows many angles and perspectives. Thanks for telling me that about the blog access because although this will sound silly, I was sort of blue when I got no comments in the first 24 hours.