Monday, May 14, 2007

The Camera Story

I've mentioned before that i should get a digital camera. Well here's what's going on with my cameras and pictures and whatnot. I take all of my pictures with disposable cameras. I have a perfectly nice Pentax elfina camera. Perfectly nice except it makes me look like I weigh 250 pounds. Two or three Christmases (is that a word?) ago, we were finishing up a disposable camera and the Pentax so My Sweetie took a bunch of pictures of Lolo and me in front of the Christmas tree. Well the difference was CRAZY! Like 75 pounds of crazy! Seriously. They are practically the same pictures, but side by side? Not-slim me vs. grossly obese me. I would show you the difference, but I am too vain to show the Pentax ones. Since those were developed I have only used disposable cameras for people pictures. Well going back to that, the reason I did not post my hail pictures is because apparently we had TWO disposable cameras floating around the house. One of them was not finished, so I got only the one developed on Friday. There were FOUR great pictures of My Sweetie and me from his birthday downtown, but since he does not want to be seen, there is no point in posting those. The cute picture that I thought was taken of my daughter and myself that night? Well, either I imagined that or someone else there took that with their own camera (or phone or whatever). There was one odd picture of Kate and me standing onstage behind My Sweetie at the Karaoke bar. I have no idea what that was about. Anyway, there were 11 left on the other camera, so I took several pictures of my new tomato plant and my newly cleaned deck (I did that on Saturday), so I should be able to get that film developed soon. Yeah, I really do need to get a digital camera. This is just getting silly.

I had a perfect Mother's Day in that it went exactly as I imagined (how often does THAT happen?). My Sweetie dropped me off at Kate's - actually my Mom's house. In case I haven't mentioned it, Kate lives there now because my parents spend most of their time at their retirement place in North Carolina. Kate made a giant spread of everything you might want for chicken tacos. Before that we watched a movie (Big Business) that we used to love watching together when she was younger. It was a great day. It was like having another birthday. Oh I've explained this all out of order. My Sweetie dropped me off, we chatted, watched the movie, then My Sweetie came back for dinner with us. And we watched the "Survivor" finale. And I forgot to take pictures until the very end of the night. I think I took one of Kate. I REALLY need to get a digital camera.


Ian Lidster said...

I balked at getting a digital for ages. I mean, I had my beloved aged Minolta with all the lenses and accoutrements and I was a 'film' purist. Then Wendy got me a digital for my birthday. Almost immediately I fell in love with it. The advantages are too numerous to mention. Yes, my friend, get yourself a digital. You'll never look back. I know I have an old film in my Minolta and have no idea what is on it. I dhould get it developed.


Lone Grey Squirrel said...

The digital camera has come of age. It now has enough advantages to warrant a switch to it. It would be great for your blogging.

Reading your post, I was reminded of an episode from the sitcom Friends where Monica shows a photo from her younger days when she was on the plump side and by way of explanation/excuse said "You know, cameras always seem to add about 5 lbs to your figure." Chandler looks at the picture in disbelief and replies, "So, just how many cameras were on you when this was taken!" :)

geewits said...

I laugh every time I see that episode! Yeah, I just need to pick something out camera wise. I'll get there.