Tuesday, December 06, 2005

My Take On Some Some Humorous Quotes

My Sweetie sent me one of those things people pass around. It was a bunch of funny quotes. I particularly liked this one:

"I read somewhere that 77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty. Actually, I'm more intrigued by the 23 percent who are apparently doing quite well for themselves."
(Jerry Garcia - Grateful Dead)

I thought that was a very clever quote. Yes we are doing quite well flying by the seat of our pants as the saying goes. I've thought a lot about how lucky I am to live in this time. First of all, 200 years ago, I would have died in childbirth along with my daughter. Secondly, I probably would have been "put away" once my severe anxiety/social phobia manifested. I actually read an article once where basically the writer said something like: This whole social phobia/anxiety thing is just the result of people having poor social skills. Seriously. That's what he said. Poor social skills. Well dude, give me social skills "lessons" and put me on a heart monitor and let's see what happens. Anxiety attacks SUCK. Poor social skills? That's an insult to Mrs. Tippett, my 8th AND 9th grade Home Ec. teacher who taught us everything in the world about social skills. Hell, I went home and had to show my Mom how to correctly set a table. Actually I think that was Granny. She would put every utensil on the table. You could be having bacon and eggs and she would include a spoon. I wish Mrs. Tippett could have met Granny and cleared some stuff up.

"There are only two reasons to sit in the back row of an airplane: Either you have diarrhea, or you're anxious to meet people who do."
(Henry Kissinger - former US Secretary of State)

Okay that's just wrong. I have THREE really good reasons for sitting in the back of the plane. I like beer. I've found that if you sit in the back of the plane, where the flight attendants are, you can get an early pre-cart beer. Secondly, I like beer, so I'm near the bathroom. And also people in the tail are more likley to survive a crash. That's three good reasons.

"On the one hand, we'll never experience childbirth. On the other hand, we can open all our own jars."
(Bruce Willis - On the difference between men and women)

Well you know what? I have those rubber thingies AND I have a bottle cap opener and know about letting the air out. Plus I'm very stubborn. The only time I hand off a jar to be opened by a man is when I'm just in a hurry (plus I know it makes them feel important).

On other News: Yeah my foot still hurts, so I'm still taking Advil. Wednesday will be three weeks in, so I figure I'll be halfway done to a regular foot. Also we have a HUGE cold front coming in with possible snow/sleet/ice so Tuesday night we will finally have weather cold enough to make a fire. If what they predict comes in on Wednesday, I'll have extra time with My Sweetie. YAY!! (and more fires)

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