Monday, October 10, 2005

Walk Like an Egyptian

I had a very unusual weekend. I had unexpected visitors at 3:00 am both nights. Friday night it was my sister-in-law. She had had a horrible day culminating with a fight with her husband and came over to spend the night. She called to tell me she was on the way and I had to work like a madman to get my guest room into usable condition. I was just finishing up when she pulled up. So I had a very late night. After lunch Saturday, I napped until 5:00. Saturday night just before 3:00 am, I heard a tiny voice and couldn't figure out where it was coming from and was turning the volume knob on my computer speakers when a face appeared in the window right beside me. It was my daughter. She said she was too excited about Vegas to go home and go to bed and wanted to have some beers with me. I think she left around 5:30. I got up around noon and was ready to leave around 3:00. We went to the mall near my husband's mom's house and I found some jeans. Then we ran over to her house to pick up that purse I was borrowing from my sister-in-law, and visit with My Sweetie's grandmother who is wintering here. She summers in Michigan. Yeah I'm not really the type to use seasons as verbs but I thought it would just be easier to type it that way.

On the way home we stopped for some Mexican food. I got home and spent about 40 minutes trying to find something to wear for our "nightclub night." I'm more of a pub person, so I don't have a lot of nightclub clothes. Also I'm very into wearing "age appropriate" clothes because when I see women my age wearing 20-something's clothes it - I'm not sure how to describe it - I don't know, grosses me out I guess. There's something pathetic about it. I mean I guess it's okay if that's your job, like Heather Locklear, who's my age. But sometimes she just looks like an aging rock whore. Anyway, I modeled a couple of outfits for My Sweetie. By the time we agreed on something it was 9:00. I sat down to watch Curb Your Enthusiasm. Then I told MS that I just had to take a nap before I resumed packing. He woke me at 10:00 and by 11:00 I was as packed as I could be. The only thing I have left to do tonight is transfer purse stuff over to my backpack. I brought all of that out here so MS could go to bed. So I guess I'm about ready to go to Vegas.

If you're going to be in Vegas this week, stop by the Nile bar at the Luxor and I'll buy you a drink. (Every time I go that song "Walk like an Egyptian" gets stuck in my head. I'm sure I'm not the only person that happens to.) Hopefully I'll have some interesting things to blog next weekend from this trip. And I hope to kick some ass at poker!

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