Make-Up Sleep
I had the best make-up sleep this morning. Recipe: To one sleep deprived day add a dark rainy day and a cold front. The temperature in the house has dropped 3 degrees below the AC setting. What a great combination for sleeping like a rock. And now that I am so refreshed, I should go get some housework done. I hope all of you get some great make-up sleep this weekend. It's lovely.
Jazz & I will be having make-up sleep for the next two weeks: Yeah! We will stay c@nnected but nevertheless, I will take this opportunity to wish myself a Great Vacation on your behalf. Sweet Dreams...
Mmmmm, sleep.
Cute kitty photo! I hope to get some sleep this weekend and celebrate my dad's b-day and paint and read and do all kinds of fun things!
Have a great one!!
Oh yeah, make up sleep.... I love that picture.
Mr. Jazz,
~~I hope it's a great one!
~~Get yours.
~~Have fun with all your stuff.
~~Yeah, that's one funky kitty.
I slept in too on our cold dark rainy day. Ahhhh....
Cute kitty! haha
~~Yes! It was a perfect day for it.
I desperately need some make-up sleep. Tonight perchance.
~~To dream, perchance of sleep. :)
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