Thursday, February 22, 2007

More to Come

I'm going to post about my weird Meals on Wheels Wednesday and the final results of my shower repair (they are in there working right now) late tonight. I wanted to get in my "American Idol" predictions for the 4 people voted off tonight.

My Sweetie and I both made lists and ranked each performer on a 1 to 10 scale. According to our ratings, The two guys voted off will be: Rudy (Me: 5, MS: 3) and Paul (Me: 4, MS: 3)

The two girls voted off will be: Leslie (Me: 4, MS: 4) and Alaina (Me: 2, MS:2). I actually gave two other girls a 4, but since My Sweetie gave them 5's, I decided to go with averages and picked Leslie.

I won't know right away how we did, because I will be watching "Survivor" and then a Duke basketball game. I am going to record it so I can speed through it on my DVR without having to listen to Ryan Seacrest try to build drama for an hour.

Until then...

1 comment:

Gary said...

It is amazing how much better the women are this year compared to the men.