Thursday, April 19, 2007

Yes, We Have No Segues

I'm not usually someone who likes to talk about their physical attributes, but I had a nice surprise yesterday. I wanted to order this dress from (thanks jammie j!), and I was confused about their sizes. I looked at their sizing chart and went into our guest room (also my sewing room) to take my measurements. Although the numbers are large, (yeah, I know I need to lose 10 or 15 pounds!) I was pleasantly surprised to find out that: my bust and hips are the same size AND my waist is 9 inches smaller. I was always told a perfect figure meant the waist was 10 inches smaller than the other two, so I was only an inch off. Ideally all three of my numbers should be about 4 inches smaller, but I still thought it was pretty cool that I had that balance. And thanks again J for that website. This dress is about the same color as my eyes and is wrinkle-free. I'm going to wear it in New York in June.
Because I am so NOT computer (okay, internet) savvy, I've been putting all my photos on this computer. I realized the other day that if My Sweetie decides to get a new computer, all my blog pics would be dust. I just started a yahoo picture thing. That dress up there is my first one from that account. Now I need to go back and replace every single picture on my blog. Although I'm not as picture posty as some people, I think it's going to be a long and tedious task. I transfered 83 pics so far, but I don't think I have all of them on there. Yeah, this is gonna be some fun.
Meals on Wheels was bittersweet in two ways: I had three weeks in a row with my daughter, but she starts her new job on Monday. On the plus side, after her 9 weeks of Monday through Friday training, she will have Wednesdays off. The other one is that one of my original ladies is dying. I know I shouldn't be sad, because she is 97, but I will miss her. I was surprised that she was still alive today. I hope her son calls me when she goes. She is one sweet lady.
I'll be 46 on Friday. I wish I knew how to act 46. I'm the most childish person in the universe over the age of 12. Oh, except for that guy on Pegasus 12.


Jazz said...

I can't see the dress! I wanna see the dress.

I'm preparing a temper tantrum here!

And believe me, you are not the most childish 46 year old on the planet... I know people who would make you look incredibly mature and dignified.

Jo said...

Geewits, Blogger hiccupped last night and deleted a bunch of pictures from some of the posts, so it appears yours has disappeared into the ether. We all want to see your dress.


geewits said...

Hmm, ladies, I could see the dress and I wasn't even signed in. I wonder what's going on?

Jo said...

Geewits... still no dress. And it was that way with both my home and work computers. If I click where the dress should be I get "This page cannot be displayed" prompt. Maybe just reloading it might work.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what I did to inspire the Travelsmith dress (joins the fray of wishing I could see it). Heh. But glad I inspired something somewhere. :) I think the only thing I've ever linked there is the travel duct tape they used to stock.

Photo transferring is very time consuming. Oy. One of the reasons I stay with the server company I'm with.

I'm glad you had a good Meals on Wheels -- sorry it was bittersweet,though.

geewits said...

Aaarrgh! I hope it's fixed now. I think it did not show up because I had my Yahoo photos thing set to private. At least I hope that's what it was.

geewits said...

Oh, and J, you posted about TravelSmith last year when you were preparing for your Ireland trip.

Jo said...

I still can't see it, Geewits. :-(


geewits said...

I gave up trying to put it there from the yahoo pictures and just downloaded it from my hard drive. Maybe I should try a flickr account?

Jo said...

Geewits, yay! Now I can see it! It's gorgeous. Very elegant. I love the neckline.

Imagine being able to say "I'm going to wear it in New York in June."



(P.S. I just download pictures from my C:/ drive.)