Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Funny

I saw this hanging in the grocery store on Saturday:
Placed next to the "Sensations" dinner napkins. The brand name is "Brawny" and they are also next to the "Wet Ones."
I said, "This just all speaks for itself."


VioletSky said...

and I'd like to see you explaining taking photos of these to the kid in the shopping cart, watching wide-eyed....

Anonymous said...

$3.99 for a bag to put your bags in...bwah-ha ha. People will buy anything. And "antibacterial mouth and face wipes"? Ewwwww. But ya, you could maybe reorganize their shelves for them.

Jocelyn said...

It's a condom for bags!

Jocelyn said...

It's a condom for bags!

geewits said...

So none of you guys thought "sacsoc" was gross and weird?