Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Is That a New Earring or Were You Tagged?

I got tagged by Ian for the "6 weird things about me." I pretty much thought this whole blog was weird things about me. I'll try to come up with 6 weird things:

  1. I automatically don't like guys that look very northern European: meaning very pale skin, very light colored eyes and blonde hair. I have no reason for this. I probably should not go to Minnesota.
  2. I've only been friends with one female in my whole life who dyes her hair blonde. I only accepted it because she had turned fully gray in her 20's. I just can't be friends with bleached blondes. I don't get it.
  3. I have more fun (and am more comfortable) with strangers than I do with people I know.
  4. I wash my hands probably twice as much when making a batch of deviled eggs for non-relatives.
  5. I think people who have different political beliefs than I do are "just stupid."
  6. I've broken the same bone twice - with TWO DIFFERENT bones. (Maybe I'm "just stupid")

These are the rules according to Ian:

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about him/herself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things, as well as state this rule clearly for the next tagged people. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged, and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment on their blog that says, "You are tagged," and "tell them to read your blog."

Well, since three of the people I would have tagged (le nightowl, tai and djn) were also tagged by Ian and I think Josie and Jeanette just did this recently, I'll just tag Gary, Lone Grey Squirrel and Jr's Thumbprints.


Gary said...

It took me a long time in my life before I really enjoyed talking with strangers, but now I do.

JR's Thumbprints said...

Give me a day and I'll send on my way six strange things about me. Too bad the requirements only six, I could go on forever.

Tai said...

"I've broken the same bone twice - with TWO DIFFERENT bones."
What does that mean?
Like, you've broken your ulna on both arms? Or both your femurs?
Geez...I'm a little slow today, forgive me!

Dan said...

I think people who have different political beliefs than I do are "just stupid."

That's funny. I think that people who share my political beliefs are just stupid. :)

geewits said...

Was that through blogging?

That's what I as thinking too! (About myself I mean.)

I broke two DIFFERENT bones twice: My humerus (and there was nothing funny about that) and my right 5th metatarsil. Only one of those four breaks was not my fault!

Hmmm, that's a real head-scratcher!

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

I have already done this. Please refer to below:


I think I score pretty well on your 1-4. i.e. not Northern European, not bleached blonde nor female, we're still practically strangers and I am not related. My, goodness, we could be great friends! I too have a bone related weirdness. I respect all political views but generally think politicians should be euthanised to put them out of our misery. Cheers for tagging me. Double cheers for tagging me for something I've already done!

Jo said...

I totally agree with your number 5. People who don't share my political beliefs are just stupid. In fact, people who don't share my beliefs about a lot of things are just stupid. :-)


geewits said...

I'm a HUGE Buffy fan! Not a white food fan, but I DO love white chocolate. I also LOVE old cemeteries. I find them so peaceful, I once fell asleep in one and almost missed a wedding rehearsal dinner.

Wow, Josie, you really surprised me there, but in a GOOD way!