Monday, July 30, 2012

Deep Thoughts (geewits style)

~~I imagine that politicians running on the platform of "I will go to Washington and fight the president" would have been considered treasonous in many eras.
~~I wish Walter Cronkite was still around to set everyone straight.
~~I think the reason religious people (any religion) get so riled up if you are not with them is because your non-belief makes them doubt.
~~I think it is really weird to mix meats from different animals unless it is on a sandwich.
~~But not seafood.
~~What if all of our climate troubles have been caused by all the stuff we sent to space? Maybe when each rocket poked a hole through our layers of atmospheres, all the good stuff got sucked out into the vacuum of space.
~~That would suck.
~~The word "treasonous" up there doesn't look like it was spelled right.
~~I think the real hardest part of getting old is realizing how stupid most young people are.
~~I think it's sad that some old people have lived a very long time and are still stupid.
~~I think I just realized that people are stupid at every age.
~~I wish people would stop being stupid.
~~Some songs are better than others and people who prefer the other songs just have bad taste.
~~I think people who are "followers" don't realize that they are.
~~I think the greatest invention of all time was air conditioning, followed closely by youtube.
~~I wish Snoopy were real and would come over and have a beer with me.
~~I wish teletransportation were a possibility although I would always have a fear of getting a giant fly head.
~~I think I should wrap this up. 


Anonymous said...

I think the reason religious people (any religion) get so riled up if you are not with them is because your non-belief makes them doubt.

I think you're right.

I also think every old person things kids are stupid while forgetting that they were at least as stupid at that age. We were once the stupid ones.

geewits said...

~~To be honest, stupid old people are way creepier now that I think about it.

Ian Lidster said...

I agree with Jazz's comment (and yours) re religion.

Great list.

And I'm up for teletransporting. Anythint to avoid airport bullshit.

Anonymous said...

If Snoopy comes over for that beer, please invite me over too.

geewits said...

~~Exactly. Of course the teletransporting stations may be just as bad, but at least no airplane time.

~~Will do!