Thursday, September 29, 2005

Synchronicity and Free Association

About 15 years ago I read a mystery/thriller novel about weird occurrences on a movie location shoot. I don't remember the specific plot and I couldn't name the author if you held a gun to my head, but I'll never forget that book. That book introduced me to the concept of synchronicity. My dictionary defines synchronicity as: the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection. The word was coined in the 50's by Jung.

I don't know if it's just me but I have synchronicity coming out of the woodwork. Here's an example: Out of the blue, you're joking with your husband and say in your best Mae West voice, "Why don't you come up and see me sometime?" Within the next week you happen to catch a clip of Mae West. I was playing poker last night on Yahoo and made a joke about Tara Reid. I haven't seen her on TV in ages. There she was tonight in a clip on Leno.

I wish I had written them all down over the years because they happen ALL THE TIME. When I first tried to describe it to my husband he thought I was nuts, but now, just like me, he will say "Synchronicity!" when something weird happens. And sometimes they are really really weird. Sometimes we just turn and look at each other speechless. So if you catch yourself saying, "Hmmm, what are the odds that subject would come up? I was just thinking about that yesterday." That's what that is.

I play poker on Yahoo a lot. Last night I had my first straight flush. 8 to the Queen of clubs. It was such a thrill. Unfortunately I was at one of those tables where no one speaks, so no one said a word. Later I mentioned it at a chatty table and got lots of congrats. The funny part was I won $374 on my straight flush and about an hour later I won about $348 on a pair of kings.

Speaking of congrats, after the Emmy awards, NBC was running one of those CNN type bars at the bottom of the TV show "Medium" and it said "Congrates to Patricia Arquette for Best Actress Emmy." I couldn't believe it. It said "Congrates." Seriously how many people missed that at NBC?

A bunch of the "regulars" were at Bennigan's today and ironically we were discussing other regulars. We all knew who we were talking about. I confessed that I "nickname" people. I told the martini lady that I called her that and I told Keifer Southerland guy that I called him that. I asked them what they called me and they never said. I thought that was funny. Oh and the Keifer guy kept saying, "What's my name?" I kept forgetting so I asked the martini lady so he thought I remembered. Kevin was there but not working. He's just weekends now so I have Chad back. I'll miss Kevin.

Meals On Wheels went well. I had 2 new people but they were right on my normal route. The new man gave me a "book" he wrote 35 years ago that's one of those religious "Get saved or you will go to hell" booklets." He used to be a preacher. I'm going to hang it over the bar. It actually looks like something from the 50's. I could antique it and it would look really old. I saw something funny on the road. A guy with a truck smaller than mine (Ranger) had a giant screen TV in the back of his truck. Like the base just fit in the bed and it was at the very tail end. So the giant screen was facing back. I kept thinking it was gonna say "Road work ahead."

Today, no kidding, was the hottest day of the year here. It was 104. The cold front is pushing through now. I have my window open and it sounds like bears are ripping up my shrubbery. Rip away bears! I love this cool air.

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