Two Weeks Later
Well, it's been two weeks since Bill (a.k.a Froggy) was admitted to the hospital. He is recovering okay from the surgery but has had some setbacks. They are currently trying to get one of his lungs that collapsed back up and running and he had an allergic reaction to some medicine. He is eating solid food and is in a regular room, so that is good. He has a recording on the internet if you want to hear him sing. Click on this link, then scroll to the bottom and click on the dancing frog. (I'm not smart enough to just make the song come up here. Whayyagonnado?) Anyway, I didn't even know that page existed until today and I thought you might get a kick out of it.
I remember that song from grade school. It didn't sound that "hip" then, but this country version is great! He has a nice voice. My best wishes for a clean Bill of health! :)
Nice mellow voice... all the best to him, hope he'll be up and singing soon. ;o)
Oh my gosh! My grandmother (Nana) use to always sing me that song as I was growing up. Froggy went a courtin' he did ride, um hmm. I still sing it once in awhile, only I thought it was Miss 'Mater, ya know, as in Miss Ta'Mater that he asked to marry him. I think Miss Mater was my brother's 3rd grade teacher! haha
Please tell Bill for me that I so enjoyed his song! Thanks for the update and glad to hear Bill is on solid food and in a regular room.
A collapsed lung is horrifying.
All best wishes to him!
~~He plays a pretty mean guitar, too. "Bill of health." hee hee.
Big Brother,
~~Thanks. No kidding.
~~I didn't really listen to the words. I should check that out.
~~Thanks. I take it you've had one?
Glad to hear he's doing better - except for those setbacks..
Glad to hear Froggy is on the road to recovery. Here's hoping he gets back to a-wooing real soon. (of his lovely wife, of course)
~~Thanks, unfortunately now there is a new one: a tear in his lung. Damn!
~~I keep hoping!
Oh, I hope he gets no more set backs.
And I loved the song of my childhood. In fact all the other songs too. I've been listening for the past hour.
In fact - somehow, I found out how to burn CD's from the whole experience. So a great big thank you to you and Bill!!
~~There were other songs?
yeesss...I don't foillow instructions very well, so I clicked on the link then forgot to scroll clicked on Marks Music -- I realized something wasn't quite right, but then got lost in the music before finding the dancing frog.
I don't follow my spelling very well either
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