Thursday, August 16, 2007

Vandom and Rarious Musings

I realized today that I don't honk at people anymore, because when I decided to honk at the brainless fool that stopped in the road to turn left INSTEAD OF GETTING IN THE MIDDLE TURN LANE, I didn't know where my horn was. And I bought my little truck 2 1/2 years ago! I can't believe I haven't honked in 2 1/2 years. I guess this medicine really works.

Here are some pictures of Rufus and Barney playing. They go at it non-stop. I think keeping Barney was really a gift for Rufus. He finally has someone to play with.

This next one is going to be my new "me" picture. It was taken about 6 hours ago. I'm not one of those weirdos that's going to post a 10-year-old picture so I'll look better. (Well obviously, LOL!)

Everything seems to be going well for the trip. I feel so stress-free it's almost stressing me into thinking I must be forgetting something to be stressed about. Which makes no sense at all, really. Oh and didn't Tyler do a great job on my hair today?


Jazz said...

Tyler did a great job on your hair. And how cool is it that you can't find a reason to stress?

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Those kitties are adorable...! And I am one of those people who uses a Profile picture that is almost 40 years old...Yes, It is fun to see how I looked, back then...(LOL)
Your hair looks fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Tyler did do a grat job! And your boys are soooo cute! I'm glad Rufus has Barney. Can't wait to see you!!! 9 days and counting!

geewits said...

Thanks! And it almost feels unnatural. The stress thing I mean, not my hair!

I'm glad you didn't take offense. I LOVE your picture - and it's not like you don't show recent pictures all the time!

9 DAYS! Woo Hoo!

Scarlet said...

Awww, love those kitties!

And I didn't realize we share the same hair color! Love the red!

BTW, I noticed I stopped honking, too, once I traded in my little Eclipse for a BIG FORD TRUCK! Suddenly I have the right-of-way at all times. Trucks get respect!

geewits said...

I drive a lettle red Ford Ranger so I don't think that's it. These things are a dime a dozen here in Texas and we are surrounded by giant trucks and SVVs. I can never see my truck in a parking lot. Hell, I used to not be able to see my MIMIVAN in the parking lot!

I guess my red hair didn't show up in my other pictures, but then it's always brightest when he first does it.

WendyWings said...

I had to come be nosey after reading your comment at Aunty Ems ( Naomis ) blog
LOL have a nice day.

Jo said...

Geewits, that's a beautiful picture. And you say you're in your 40s, but you look about 30 in the picture, so 'fess up... is it really five hours old? Well, I know it must be, because Barney is no bigger than a minute. (heh, heh)

Don't stress about not being stressed. Just go with the flow....

meggie said...

That is a lovely photo of you. You have beautiful eyes.
And I love your kitties! First visit here, & I have enjoyed it.

JR's Thumbprints said...

I agree with Josie; you look so young. I wish I didn't have gray hair.

Anonymous said...

Your hair-stylist must be a true artist! WOW!! What a great cut; and the color...simply amazing.
I think Barney is a pretty cute kitty. I'd like to see a close up of his face sometime.Have a great trip!

Jammie J. said...

Ohhh, Barney is Rufus' cat... like Tug is my cat and Snug is Tug's cat. Hehe.

Your hair is fantastic! :)

geewits said...

Thanks for stopping by!

Yes, I'm all of 46. I like to think my childlike nature shows in my face, but it could be that I had my upper eyelids "done" in 1999. That's funny about Barney! I guess holding him is like holding the newspaper for proof. Plus Tyler can vouch for it!

Hi Meggie,
Thank you very much!

That's what hair color does! Because I have been dying my hair red since I was 23, I have no idea what my hair would look like, but the roots are quite silver.

Hey Tyler,
I'll have to get a full on face picture. It's just that he doesn't really sit still.

geewits said...

I almost think Rufus is Barney's cat. Their personalities are so different, I guess it's true that opposites attack, oops I meant attract! Thanks about my hair, but Tyler gets the credit!