Post Oscar
The very first thing I read online after watching The Academy Awards was an article nitpicking at every little detail. Really? It's entertainment. And it's live. Live television is never going to be perfect. If you want to complain about the Oscars, you should complain that the memorial segment did not include Betty Garrett. Ms. Garrett, a beloved friend of one of my blog friends, Naomi aka The Old Lady of the Hills, died on February 12th. That seems like plenty of time to get footage of her in the classic film On The Town with Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra. I mean, really it's a live show. Whatever. Anyway, if you want to read some great stuff about Betty Garrett on Naomi's blog, just follow that link. Other than that, I thought the show was fun. If I didn't like that sort of thing I wouldn't watch it. I do and I did and I did.
I don't and I didn't. ;-) - Jazz
Of course Betty Garrett was ignored by the Oscar assholes. Much as she was crucified by those in the business in her formative years and had her career destroyed. These are predominantly shallow, beastly people. Thanks for remembering her. I do too.
Otherwise I ignored the Oscar broadcast as I generally do.
~~You're too cool for that sort of thing. :)
~~You know, I had totally forgotten about that McCarthy stuff. "Beastly" may be too kind a word.
I haven't been around on any regular basis...Just not up to too much, these days. But I found out that The Academy has a cut off date of January 31st where the "In Memoriem" section is concerned---John Barry just made it having died on January 30th.
Hopefully they will include Betty in 2012....!
Thanks for the "shout out".....these are difficult times.
BTW: I liked the show too, though there were certainly things that were not so hot---I think the Academt should start having The Awards in January, before ALL the other Award shows AND, they should go back to 5 Best Picture Nominees....
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