I finally found a solution for my other computer that was overheating: It has worked so far. That last baseball game on Halloween, we had true nosebleed seats. I took a picture looking straight out from my seat so you could see just how high up we were:
This next picture was taken in the smoking area of the upper deck where we were. Our seats were actually UP from there. That's Six Flags in the background:
And this last picture, well, I was taking a picture of the flag but after I got home and looked at the picture, it seemed more of a picture of people taking pictures. I think nearly every person down there is taking a picture.:
I think I'm caught up with my pictures now. I surely enjoyed my weekend of doing nothing for the first time in maybe 6 weeks. Also I invented a texting code for my daughter. She has a habit of asking me questions that require answers too long for a text. I have come a long way from my early texting days and am pretty good at it especially considering I don't have one of the newer keyboard phones, but some things just can't be said in a few sentences. So I told her that from now on if the answer is long, I'll just type: TM2T. That means "Too much to text." If she wants to know the answer she can call me.
Jazz, ~~Not enough to make My Sweetie happy, but they were here and there. On the Rangers website I actually saw another Dorothy. In person we saw an Elvis, a bird, (Where's) Waldo, and a battered NY Yankee player (we had beat them the week before.) Also they played "Monster Mash" and trained the cameras on other people in costume for the big screen.
You were REALLY High up at that game....Nose Bleed Section...Funny....lol!
I don't text because I don't use a cell phone. I have one, but reception here in the Hills is lousy...So, I'm still very happy with my Land Line and not being out in the world....Well, the cell sits in a drawer. In all honesty...I don't understand the whole concept of texting...It would ALL seem TOO long to text, for me.
Glad you enjoyed your nice do-nothing-but-relax weekend! GOOD FOR YOU!
Naomi, ~~I don't have a lot of choice about texting if I want to communicate with my daughter. She won't answer her phone but she always responds to texts. Her excuse is that she spends 9 hours on the phone at her job so doesn't want to talk on the phone when she's off work.
Gee, another great picture of you as Dorothy! You sure are getting good use out of that costume. Leave it to you to notice how everyone else is also taking a picture of the flag! haha Very cool! I also like the "computer fan", but it must be the noisiest computer fan ever! :D
I was born and raised in North Carolina, but have lived all my adult life in Texas. I like to find humor in everything. I love to laugh and make people laugh. I love beer, cats, fun people. And sometimes I am denser than osmium (and that can be funny, too).
Cool. Were many of you dressed up for Halloween?
~~Not enough to make My Sweetie happy, but they were here and there. On the Rangers website I actually saw another Dorothy. In person we saw an Elvis, a bird, (Where's) Waldo, and a battered NY Yankee player (we had beat them the week before.) Also they played "Monster Mash" and trained the cameras on other people in costume for the big screen.
even the jumbotron looks small in this view! did Mr Geewits get dressed up?
~~Yes he was The Scarecrow! I loved it!
You were REALLY High up at that game....Nose Bleed Section...Funny....lol!
I don't text because I don't use a cell phone. I have one, but reception here in the Hills is lousy...So, I'm still very happy with my Land Line and not being out in the world....Well, the cell sits in a drawer. In all honesty...I don't understand the whole concept of texting...It would ALL seem TOO long to text, for me.
Glad you enjoyed your nice do-nothing-but-relax weekend! GOOD FOR YOU!
~~I don't have a lot of choice about texting if I want to communicate with my daughter. She won't answer her phone but she always responds to texts. Her excuse is that she spends 9 hours on the phone at her job so doesn't want to talk on the phone when she's off work.
I love picture-y blogs, I'm trying to motivate myself to get back to it! I have a gabillion things to write.
I've been here, just so you know. I read about the wedding, and the bed for your brother, and the bouquet and everything. Every word, I'm still here.
I'm just reading while I'm supposed to be working, but don't tell my boss.
Gee, another great picture of you as Dorothy! You sure are getting good use out of that costume. Leave it to you to notice how everyone else is also taking a picture of the flag! haha Very cool! I also like the "computer fan", but it must be the noisiest computer fan ever! :D
~~You really are one of the busiest people I've ever known. It's great that you ever have time to blog at all!
~~Thanks! Really that fan is not very loud. You know what's loud? Me, when that computer overheats and shuts down.
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