Last Wednesday I picked up my best friend and her boyfriend in the big fat minivan that I had rented Tuesday afternoon. We went to lunch at a sports bar not realizing that a Rangers play off game was going on. It was packed but once I found the bartender that knew me we were fine and as a matter of fact we seemed to suddenly go from zero to three waitresses. We spent the rest of the afternoon getting them settled into their hotel and then just hanging out at my house.
Thursday afternoon, my daughter joined us to pick up Mom and my brother from the airport. We found my brother but Mom had somehow disappeared. She finally turned up and all was well. The eight of us had dinner at my house in a casual manner. It was lasagne and ceasar salad. I didn't even know my daughter and her almost husband were staying for dinner, but we managed and it was fun. It's been a LONG time since there were eight people here at the same time. Oh yeah, Carole and her husband stopped in to give us some of their famous sugared/brandied walnuts, so there were ten people here. (And my brain didn't explode! Yay!)
Friday morning I rode with my brother to pick up breakfast from Mom and him and then got ready fro Meals on Wheels. Lo's boyfriend brought her over and we made the rounds. I gave her a last minute out because of her neck surgery last month but she really wanted to go. She has gone with me every time she has visited. (She actually took a picture of me at a door with the food but I forgot to download it for this post. I'm sure I'll use it later as I have no photos of myself delivering for MOW.) We had lunch and brought food back for Mom and my brother and then spent the afternoon visiting.
My Sweetie came home from work early and we headed over to the wedding chapel for the rehearsal. It was weird to see my first husband because I had not seen him since 2002. The rehearsal went very well and it was my first time to meet the minister. He was a cool, fun, large bald man. Very casual and relaxed. I liked him. Aftwards, we headed to the restaurant for the rehearsal dinner. Here's a pic of Kate and me:

So there we were standing in an aisle in a home improvement store waiting for a man to cut our glass when I mentioned to them the date and how odd that the three of us were there together. It was a great moment.
My brother and I replaced the pane and Lo helped from inside the house. Then Lo and I took off for some last minute shopping and to pick up the flowers. When we got back, Lo's boyfriend came over and the six of us piled into the minivan for dinner out at Razzoo's - a cajun place. After that My Sweetie manned the computer to take requests for youtube songs while Lo and I did all the flower stuff in here. That was fun.:

The bride room getting ready stuff was a trip! The steaming of the dress funked up my hairstyle a bit and the maid of honor was not as knowledgable as Lo on a lot of stuff, so Lo ended up sort of doing most of the work. I felt really bad but thanked her a million times afterwards. She really is the best best friend in the world. Don't get me wrong, I really love my daughter's best friend, but she seemed sort of lost on the whole thing and it shows in this picture:

The reception was fun and it was great to see people I had not seen since the 80's as well as my second husband who I had not seen since around 1997. It was like a surreal reunion of sorts. I can't wait to see the professional pictures. Kate's dad was not happy when she called her two stepdads to be in a picture with her and him. I thought it was hilarious. And I can't wait to see it.
And here's the pic Lo took of my brother, Mom and me in the country club bar when we had that free time after decorating:
Gee, I know I've already told you, but I'll tell you again, it was so great getting to meet your friends and family! All such wonderful people. The wedding and reception were both beautiful as were the bride and mom of the bride. :D
I also really liked the part of this post where you mentioned your dad. I can just see you all standing there "together again" in realization of those facts.
Happy for you all.
I had a wonderful time and I'm so glad I was able to be helpful!
I wonder if you, your brother and I will be together on Oct 9th again one day....? I know your Dad is proud of you and how the wedding went :)
Love you!!!
Oh- Carole! it was sooo good spending time with you and I think it's funny we are her best friends and how we LOVE Halloween so much! HA!
Glad it went so well. I was sure you'd have a wonderful time.
Lo, so great spending time with you too! It was funny finding out all the odd things we have in common when we talked before the wedding. Halloween being at the top of both our lists! I was really looking forward to meeting you because I know how much Gee loves you, and now I see why. You two are both unique and fantastic ladies!
Glad everything went well.
It is nice to have these surreal reunions at a happy event, at least!
It sounds like it all came off without a hitch! Bravo to you all! Love the pictures and I look forward to seeing more....Rest up, my dear. Remember, you are tired from getting ready for the big day for the last hree months or so...!
~~Thanks and thanks again for helping with the pictures. I was such a dimwit leaving them Friday night. And thanks for not letting someone intimidate you and listening to me. Yay! And I'm also glad you got to meet all these people I'm always talking about.
~~I missed you as soon as you left. Thanks for everything. You were awesome.
~~Maybe wonderful isn't the right word. The wedding part was stressful as hell, but all the rest was awesome.
~~That's true. Some of it was really freaky.
~~I hope that's it. Either that or my stamina just happened to give out permanently at the same time as all this.
I'm trying to catch up, have been a bit absent, but I knew enough to know that I'd sit down today and read wedding reports. Sorry for lack of comment and communication....
Still, so exciting, you look beautiful, and so does your daughter. Can hardly wait to hear a few more details!
~~We should be getting the professional photos in about a week. I will certainly do another wedding post then.
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