The picture above is one I found online of the bride's room. I was really looking forward to seeing it and I felt like I was in an old English Mary Stewart novel. I didn't realize until much later that I had never been in a bride's room. 49 years old, married three times, and never been in a bride's room. That seems a bit peculiar, doesn't it? Oh and that picture down on the right there (things I'm looking forwadr to:) is the actual chapel and that's what it looks like.
The whole chapel was very quaint and lovely and I really loved the lady that was helping us. She will be there during the wedding to make things run smoothly. She was really fun and the three of us had some great laughs. I was the most impressed when she kept a straight face when my daughter told her the music she'd be using. My daughter wants bagpipe music playing before the ceremony. The groom and best man will enter followed by the maid of honor to Vivaldi's Summer. Then my daughter will enter to Vivaldi's Spring. There will be no music during the short ceremony. Then my daughter and her husband will exit the church to John Williams' The Imperial March (also known as Darth Vader's theme).
We went to lunch downtown after we left the chapel and finally got a head count for the rehearsal dinner. I suggested a place and as usual my daughter was fine with it and called her future MIL to see if she was good with that. It wasn't until we got home that I told my daughter, "Now that it's a done deal, I have a confession. I picked that restaurant because I have a good memory of being there with Dad." I've been doing little things to make Dad part of the ceremony. The wedding weekend is also the 12th anniversary of Dad's death weekend. You may think it odd that I like that, but I do. My brother and my best friend will be here and they were also there. I'm thinking the three of us will have a special toast.
Thursday we go back to the country club to go over last details and then go to the tailor shop to do the "after" dress fitting for the wedding dress. My best friend and her beau will be here in just two weeks and that is the kickoff of the official wedding week. Two weeks! You can't spell that without eek!
A bride's room? Who knew those even existed?
For just a moment -- just a moment! -- I thought you wrote "It's a non-profit wedding site where monkeys are used..."
You can imagine how this amused me. :-)
As for a bride's room? You're not the only one who hasn't been in one!
~~I see them all the time in movies. In weddings with brides and drama or even comedies they usually show scenes in the bride's room. Arthur comes immediately to mind.
~~Monkeys! I love that! How about "...where monkeys are used as flower girls and ring bearers." or "...where monkeys are used to entertain the guests before the wedding."
I think the toast to your Dad will be sooo sweet, I'm so glad we will be there. And I will be there to help you through everything, it will be a wonderful weekend!
~~Can't wait to see you!
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