I've said many times that Texans love to talk about the weather. I guess it's because we get such odd and extreme weather here. Whether it's the historic snowfall or hail stones crashing through our skylights or the fact that it reaches 9000 degrees in July, we really do love to talk about the weather. And people love to complain when those poor weather people on TV mess up. But I realized something on Friday: No one ever complains when the TV weather people get it wrong in a good way.
All week last week they were forecasting rain and thunderstorms for Friday. These were supposed to clear up by mid-afternoon. But Friday was beautiful all day long. And no one complained.
At most of my Meals on Wheels stops, the clients usually ask me, "How are you today?" or something like that. On Friday I kept saying, "I'm great! I thought I'd be sloshing around in the rain and it's gorgeous out here!" But I certainly wasn't complaining about the TV weather people being wrong. Nobody was.
People are obsessed by the weather here too. I dunno why that is actually, whether the weather people get it right or wrong, it won't change what the weather will be. Is it really that important to know exactly what temperature it will be or whether there will be clouds in the sky?
~~Rain or no rain can make a difference in shoes. On Friday I wore my tennis shoes instead of sandals because it was supposed to rain. Other than that, yeah, there's really no point.
The only place I've ever been where people weren't obsessed with weather was Tobago. It was 80 degrees and sunny every freakin' day for 10 months of the year and then it rained for 2. Year after year after year. I don't even know why they have weather people there.
That was me. i got a weird error message and then it posted me as bloggers
~~Why would they have weather people there? To report on world weather so people could see what it looked like?
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