Today I did something I've been talking about for years, which was make a half man, who is headless, coming out of the ground. What? You guys don't have one of these?

I feed Barney a can of this every day. Today I was really looking at it and thought: This looks more like real food than several things I actually eat! Those things are Vienna Sausages, Slim Jims, bologna, and hot dogs.
This morning I was wishing I wouldn't have the one lady today that's so out of the way. When I got to the church there was a cancellation note for her. There was also new person on my route that was very close to that lady. I thought that was weird.
I realized when I was halfway to the church that I had forgotten my camera. I felt odd and uncomfortable for a while as if I left the house without my wedding rings or something. I bet I don't forget my camera again for a while.
I was supposed to meet Amy the realtor at the house today but it was raining and she wanted to take pictures of the house. I'm also waiting for the sun to come back out to get pictures of my new coffee table. That thing was three days of work. For some reason it doesn't photograph well with the flash.
If you want to see something really funny, check out this page. You can move your mouse around and click to get different actions. I thought it was hilarious. Have a good time.