- computer died
- new computer
- have i lost all my pictures?
- bedroom mural thing
- finishing at THE HOUSE
- met Miss September 1980
- are 90° days over?
- why I love October
- no San Diego
- Thanksgiving trip
- Carol Burnett
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
rough draft for future posts
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Year We Were "Poor"

Friday, September 26, 2008
About the Comments
Through the years I've read many posts about what I'm going to post about, but I hope that mine is more a reflection on me and what I'm about. This post is about you readers that read but don't comment. ( Hi! ) Usually bloggers say friendly stuff like "Hey' Ya'll! Don't be afraid to comment!" or something like that. But I understand that there are reasons not to comment.
I read some blogs that I don't comment on and here are the reasons:
1. - I prefer to comment on blogs that the blogger responds to the comment, so if a blogger does not respond to comments, I don't leave a comment. Well, except for Naomi. (There's always an exception to every rule.)
2. - I read a few blogs that the blogger is so very out there to me that I feel like I don't have anything to say to them except: "What's wrong with you!??!" or "Gross! Who does that!!!!???" And that's not a good idea and I honestly don't even know why I read those blogs. (Seriously. What's wrong with me?)
3. - Some blogs are just so big and popular that it seems pointless to leave a comment. I only read one of those.
4. - Sometimes I don't post a comment on a blog that I am a regular commenter on because the subject matter is out of my reach or basically, I feel like I have nothing to contribute.
5. - If someone has a lot of photography posts I feel goofy saying "Nice picture!" over and over again. I am not qualified to remark on how they captured the light or anything. To me they are just nice pictures.
So to my readers that don't comment, I know it can't be for reasons 1, 3, or 5. I don't think #4 could be it, so I guess you find me terribly annoying (#2). Or maybe it's not about me at all. Maybe you're just shy. If you want to pipe in, please do. I love opinions.
And to you fellow bloggers that leave comments on a regular basis: Thanks! Every comment is like finding money in a coat pocket that you forgot about.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
When Vanity Trumped Common Sense
Today I got a nice new haircut. My first since May. I had been trimming my bangs and cutting the sides some, and had found a way to wear it up around mid-August. So it was always up after that and looked fine. But down? It was a mullet. Today I explained all of this to Tyler and said, "Cut out the mullet and style it in such a manner that I can go a year without a haircut." May is 8 months from now and hair supposedly grows 1/2 inch per month, so my hair will be 4 inches longer in May. 4 1/2 inches longer in June. 5 in July. Sounds like a ponytail to me.
I learned a hard lesson and if I ever have another decision to make regarding comfort and vanity, I will try to remember this. At least I hope I will. I should, right?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Just Stuff, But It's Okay, I'm a Blogger
Saturday I painted the wall. That corner of the doorway leading to the entryway (from the corner of the arch to the ceiling) had a terrible crack that I patched and I love how it looks great in this picture. At night though, with lamps on, you can tell it's been patched. Oh well. I left the nails in the wall for those three pictures. I took those pictures of my daughter in 1990 or 1991. It was my final exam in photography and we could choose any aspect of what we had learned and I chose "lighting." The irony is that the film was horrible. My lighting was all extreme and I really was doing burning and dodging like mad. I guess I didn't learn too much about lighting, but man did I learn about burning and dodging. Also, when I hung those pictures seven years ago, I was not on my current crazy medication and was having an irrational fear that when I drove in the nail for that middle picture, I would strike an electrical wire and fly across the room. As you can see that middle picture is directly above the outlet. That was not a good day.

I forgot to take a "before" picture of the wall, but I took this picture of my daughter on the 12th so you can see that it was just a plain whitish wall and that the photographs almost blend in. I like the way the pictures really "POP" now. Oh, and I got an "A" on my photography. I think it was the yawning picture there that suckered the teacher in. My daughter was 6 or 7 at the time and was not having fun sitting in that chair for almost two hours. I caught all sorts of expressions and just happened to catch that yawn.
We went to visit my in-laws today. My MIL turned 62 on Friday. She's only 14 1/2 years older than me and I am 2 years older than her baby brother. My Mom will be 70 in November. Where does the time go? It was funny talking to my FIL. He said he found my post on his snake story and that I "did a really great job" making it better. I was all "WHAT?!? Dude, I just copied and pasted it from your blog." For some reason he thought it was better than he had written it. I don't know why that is still making me laugh. I mean, Froggy wrote it, I copied and pasted it and he thought it was better. I guess he forgot what a good writer he was. I want to do another one of his stories on here about when he was hanging out with the original Apollo astronauts. He's had a very interesting life.
I was really on a roll there for a while taking pictures of everything and always thinking in blog mode. Then I just suddenly fell out of "take a picture!" mode. I don't know what happened, but after I noticed it, I got better about remembering to take a picture. Here is one I grabbed at Michael's (a craft store).
It was a magazine on a rack in the check-out line and I was mesmerized by the line "Sculpting Vampire Dust Bunnies." I pulled out my camera and snapped the shot and then looked around at the people in line with me and loudly proclaimed, "It's okay, I'm a blogger."
My friend Carole found a pic of the Vampire Dust Bunny on the internet:
And VioletSky, that does look like cat hair! (Thanks Carole!)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Airplane Tragedy
Travis Barker, formerly of Blink-182 and MTV's "Meet the Barkers" has been critically injured along with DJ AM in a Learjet plane crash in South Carolina. The other passenngers and crew were killed.
My Sweetie got to meet Travis Barker on the 9th as part of his business trip and had his picture taken with him. My Sweetie had told me "He was all covered in tattoos, but he was a very nice soft-spoken guy." (He also met Ozzie Osbourne on that trip and described him as "very shy until he got onstage.")
Travis's plane crashed upon take-off last night in South Carolina and he and DJ AM are in the Joseph Still Burn Center in Augusta, Georgia. That's really sad.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Didn't Feel Like Thursday

Thursday, September 18, 2008
I Thought So

By the way, the last two days have been 6° to 7° BELOW average. I even wore long pants both days. I know! I usually never wear long pants this early. I even wore tennis shoes today, but that was mostly because Barney accidentally sliced the top of my foot last night and I knew my sandals would irritate it even with a bandage. But it all worked out fine and when I went to the one MOW lady's house and her poodle jumped up on my legs, I said, "Ha! Ha! I'm wearing long pants. You can't scratch my legs today." I probably ruined his day.
I still haven't looked at my x-ray films. I will look at them tomorrow (later today I mean). It will be weird to look at my "innards." (That's a southern expression that I had to explain to a Cuban lady today.) My x-ray technician lady was very serious and did not even crack a smile the whole hour we were together. I liked the ultra-sound lady a million times better. She was fun. And I feel sorry for the ultra-sound lady because she has to work with dour x-ray tech lady. She had trouble getting a good vein but she poked "only" two holes in me. I had to stop her from trying my other arm that she had already tied up once and told her to do the back of my hand. I actually have a few small bruises from all the tourniquets. But I do bruise easily.
I couldn't believe how many pictures she took. That seems like a lot of radiation. I don't think I'll let anyone x-ray my torso again for 5 years. It would have to be something serious like if I swallowed a 3000 year old Spanish dubloon or something. I'll try not to do that in the next 5 years. The procedure is the radiologist looks at the film and sends a report to my doctor within 48 hours and if there is something, my doctor will call me. Otherwise, I just take the films with me when I go back on October 1st.
It seems to me that if there was something really wrong, the radiologist would have contacted my doctor right away and my doctor would have contacted me today (Wednesday, I mean). So I suspect I had all this anxiety, had to get up early, had to get TWO holes poked in me AND spent $83 for nothing.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

They called in a prescription for me for prednisone because I can't take benadryl. I ran over to get it today and there was a CAB in front of me in the drive-thru. They may not seem like anything to you big-city dwellers, but cabs are very rare around here unless they are airport related or you are staying in a fancy hotel. It was really a rare sight to see one in the CVS line. So I took a picture:

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Not for the Squeamish

- root canal
- bone reset
- IV
- mouth shots
- dental filling
- shot in an open wound
- blood withdrawal
- cauterization
- uterine biopsy
- wart freezing
And yes, I've had all of that done to me by horrible people that charge a lot of money. Evil, evil geniuses. And if you happen to be one of the "lucky" ones that have had a bone reset and a root canal, you might remember the bone resetting as being more painful. Well, okay it was, but this list is not just based on pain. The bone resetting while hideous and gruesome takes less than a minute. That doctor grabs your limb ends and yanks them apart, twists and puts them where he wants them in less than a minute. Probably less than half a minute. Yes, we scream or pass out, but then it's done! Just like that. A root canal? That lasts FOREVER.
My list is not based on pain alone, but also ickiness, hideousness, woozies, time, inconvenience (doesn't a root canal require like 3 visits what with the crown fittings and whatnot?), anguish, recovery and probably other things that I can't think of right now. Same thing about the shot in an open wound. It's pretty hideous and painful, but it's quick. A dental filling takes forever and the dental filling has the mouth shots to boot. That's two horrible things together. And recovery from mouth things? It sucks. And you have to eat. I broke my arm twice and figured out how to live without my arm for a while (the funniest was shaving my underarm - just try doing it with the same hand!), but you have to eat.
If you were a guy you might think catheterization is worse than some of those and it probably is for a guy, but that would probably be far down on my list after cortisone shot in my thumb, enema, and hospital food. It's funny but I've always said I'd rather go to the gynecologist than the dentist and if you look at my list, you'll notice pelvic exam isn't even on it.
Well back to my IVP on Tuesday. The link there says you have to take a mild laxative, but they just told me not to eat solid food on Monday. The list said I could have soups, pudding, jello and something else, which I remember as "beer."
Friday, September 12, 2008
Woot! Woot! The End Is Near!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
What the heck?

And then there was the THREE wedding thing. They want to have a traditional churchlike ceremony for all family, friends and co-workers, and then a pagan handfasting ceremony for her pagan group and a Gathering ceremony for his "special friends" there. Uhm, okay.
Monday evening The Boy stopped by the house to bring me a case of beer and we sat and talked for a little over an hour about all this. It was sad to watch his face drop as I realized that my daughter had not already discussed the Alaskan cost-of-living thing with him. He was man enough to admit that he had not considered that aspect at all. And I don't know if they expected their parents to pay for their wedding but I told my daughter Sunday night that parents do not pay for the weddings of adults living together. Nobody paid for any of my weddings. But I did say I would do the invitations.
The Boy said his mother had been a wedding planner for 15 years, so I told him she should be able to give him some idea of how much money they need to save. He didn't look like he had even thought of, you know, actually having to save money for this big plan. I imagine they are both looking at this whole thing in a new light now. I hope so.
Monday, September 08, 2008
My Chair

Saturday, September 06, 2008
Slow Learner
Okay, this one embedded diferently than the last one and is very small I have no idea why. Oh yeah, I'm a slow learner.
Learn how to draw cartoons, comics, and anime at Sketchfu!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
A Very Long Post About My First Adventure

One night as I was sleeping, I woke up to what I thought was my brother kicking my bed. I said, "Stop kicking my bed!" He replied, in a shaken voice, "I'm not kicking your bed." He sounded scared, and that totally woke me up. He said, "I think the Cubans are attacking." I thought a volcano was erupting. Yeah, I know now that there are no volcanos there. I was 12! It stopped and we went back to sleep. In the morning we asked our parents about it and it was an earthquake. Mom was the only one that got it right. Dad thought a cab driver had run into the building.
There were two waiters there that we really liked: Leonardo and Luis. We wanted them to hang out with us and they kept saying they were "on duty" and nervously glancing around. My parents told us later that they were like indentured servants that lived on the premises and worked for food and board and that any extra money was sent to their families. Anyway at the time, we whined and complained that they couldn't hang with us, and suddenly the manager made it their new job to entertain us. Wow, they became so happy and relaxed. Luis was actually a crazy wild contortionist and would go off the high dive all tangled up and almost give me heart attacks. They really loved the freedom to swim in the pool and just hang out. Leonardo gave us little gifts when we left.
One evening we went to the home of someone Dad was working with or playing poker with, I don't remember. here's what I do remember: To me it was like a MANSION. And they had servants. We went in and sat down in a living room like I had never seen. Now I would say it was like a really fancy hotel lobby. They brought me something in a tiny porcelain little cup (sake?) and I hated it (politely) and then they brought me something else. I don't remember much else about that place except that I wanted to go back to the hotel.
One day Dad wanted to show us "the real people." Mom was not so much into the real people. We drove around on small roads and saw all sorts of native villager type people. Mom was freaking out but not as much as when we came across a band of musicians. Dad pulled over on the side of the road and Mom was so tense and mad, like "Don't get out of the car!" I remember the music and how fantastic and special it was. But I didn't know what it was. It wasn't until I was in college and was walking across the campus that I heard it again. My ears perked up and I ran over there and it was a steel drum band! I still love the steel drum.
Dominican Republic has (or had) one day a year that they hate the United States. That is April 28th. I don't know how or why it was arranged for us, but some Dutch people were going into town to see a movie and took my brother and me with them. We were told that it was "Hate America" day and that we should not speak. I remember walking behind them down a sidewalk as they spoke their Dutch garble and my brother and I looking at each other and looking around wondering if we were going to be shot. Worse, the move was Dutch or German with Spanish subtitles and showed an actual live childbirth. I was TWELVE.
One of the best things about the Dominican Republic? We met the most amazing man, Henrik Ravn. He was Dad's best friend there. I guess he was like a cross between Indiana Jones and Brad Pitt. I'm not a Brad Pitt fan, but I would have found him awesome cute when I was 12. Henrik was Danish and spoke 5 or 6 languages and like 12 African dialects. He danced the merengue with both Mom and me. Years later I asked Mom, "How did you not fall in love with this man?" I've always wondered what happened to him. But at least I have his crazy painting.
Part of me wants to go back to the Dominican Republic, and the other part says, "Why mess with a great memory?"
And I guess the really best part of the trip is that it took a little country girl out into the world. My brain was expanded.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Maybe it was the creepy Santa Claus?

I know that is the number one searchie thing, but I'm not sure exactly which is number two, but there are three other posts that bring a lot of traffic through search engines. Number two may be my Gardenia post, and people end up here from searching "google images" and that makes me feel terrible because I lifted that photo from the internet. I wish I had given credit to the source. I suppose I should go put a caption on that pic: "I found this lovely photo on the internet."
Another one, which really makes me scratch my head, is Christmassy Night Out and the part that is weird is that most of the people, like 98% of the people that are looking at that old post are coming from Germany. What does that mean? I also get a lot of hits on my random skin problems, like the skin tag on my eyelid and my contact dermatitis. And my sketchfu picture from last July. I don't know what any of this means, I just find it interesting. And just in case you came here looking for the ribbon photo board: DON'T FORGET TO DO THE OVER/UNDER WHEN CRISS-CROSSING THE RIBBON. Because I did.